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Her small body shifted stiffly under the heavy weight placed upon her like a curse. It was hers to bear. It was her burden to carry. She rose from the straw mattress as thin streaks of sunlight broke through the small cracks in the walls and door. The master had excused her from working in the fields till his child was born. Maze turned away from the door and shuddered trying to block the image of him from invading her mind. She had tried so hard to forget him; what he looked like and the scent of wood and soap that followed him wherever he went.

She left the shack through the back door praying the master was at the fields overseeing the work being done. She entered the bathing room and stripped off hoping no one would see her. She preferred being alone. She liked her lone existence. She enjoyed being deprived of a companion because she hated the pitiful stares people threw in her directions. There she was, a twelve year old girl, alone and helpless carrying the child of a monster within her.

Maze let out a small gasp as the cold water mingled with her skin, penetrating her soft flesh brutally like knives digging into her skin. She stiffened letting the cold water do its work. She knew it too was mocking her. It was torturing her like her master did, digging into her flesh, chilling her blood to the core. The pain was bittersweet, taking her far away from reality until the child she carried within her kicked.

Maze grunted and reached out for the coarse soap laying on the small still next to the tin wall. She wrapped her fingers around it tightly. It was her protector. It was the only thing she had left that gave her some sanity. She began scrubbing her skin till it burned as if it was on fire. She didn’t stop. She kept going. The child kicked again and Maze lost it. She began to cry but wiped the tears away angrily. Crying would not fix her problems. Crying would not make them dissolve into thin air. Crying was not going to bring Axe and Three back.

Maze stopped wiping her tears and let them run down her cheeks, making small zig zag lines in their trail. She kept scrubbing until small streaks of blood leaked from her skin. Her body screamed at her to stop but she wouldn’t. She had to be clean. She needed to rid herself of him. She needed to remove his scent from her skin. She was scrubbing away the touch of his hand and the beating of his heart.

No matter how hard she scrubbed. No matter how much soap she used, she could not rid herself of him. Not while his child grew within her. Not when she had to live with the pain of being the one to bring the child into the world to become nothing but a slave.

Maze wanted to scream. She wanted to rip her hair from her scalp and howl. She wanted her cries to pierce the master’s ears. She wanted her scream to torture those who made her life hell. She wanted to scream for freedom. She wanted to be free from the cage that pulled her down till she reached rock bottom. She desired to scream out loud and shatter the walls around her. She wanted them to freeze and crumble to ash around her. She wanted to run away from her life...from everything.

Maze froze when she heard the shuffling of feet outside the bathing room and slowly tilted her head backwards to see who was at the door. It was him. She could see him through the cracks in the door’s hinges with his arms folded. Her heart stopped when she saw his grey eyes darken at the sight of her. She wanted to turn away so he wouldn’t see the fear in her eyes. Maze held her breath and prayed he wouldn’t open the door. She knew she would have no clue what to do if he entered the bathing room. The thought of him being in the same room with her, made her want to vomit.

He turned and walked away. Maze cried in relief.  


sorry this is a short chapter. life is kinda getting in the way at the moment, but i will make it up to you with a longer chapter :) oh and yes please vote and comment :D :D you are all awesome. love you all. Muah!

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