Houston's shell

Zenith SV____________________________________

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Zenith SV

It's been weeks and the days haven't changed. After a mission, patrol, or raid. Didn't matter, I had to get up and move stop being in the dumps. I heard footsteps approach as I sat on the edge. "Good afternoon Amanda." I said as she sighed. "How did ya hear me let alone know who I was." She said crossing her arms. "I could tell because you were being to load, and I heard your wrench." I answered as she took off her wrench and threw it at me. I catch it and look at her. "That's no way to play fair." I say as I flip it around and point at her. She smiles, "You and Cayde act the same y'know?" I stopped moving. "Haha! Well I guess your right Amanda." I toss her wrench back to her as I look at the Traveler once more. I gave Amanda a hug as I heard Zavala come through comms on my helmet. "Hey Houston can you pick that up." I asked as she popped up and nodded. I break my hug from Amanda as I give her a to finger salute, she salutes back. "What's the word Houston?" I ask, "The ordinary." She answers, "Alright then, let's get it started!" My helmet phases onto my head as I job off the wall and transmat into my ship flying off to the orbit.

"So where we off to first?" I ask Houston. "These coordinates." She answers as Ikora comes onto comms. "Guardian do be safe we haven't fought anything thing like this." I smirk under my helmet. "Shouldnt be to hard. Tell The two unstoppable duo that we'll be back." I said as we blasted off into slipspace. "I will just stay safe you two." Ikora left as we exited. "Well shit that doesn't look good." I said taking control of the ship. I dodged wreckage, I don't think this is the Reef!" Houston said as she ran schematics of the surrounding area. "I don't know where we are!?" Houston yells over my terrible driving and the debris of crashed ships. "There I'm jumping!" I yell as I switch a few nobs and push the throttle gaining speed as I hit the button sending us into slipspace. Houston perked up tight as i hit the button. "Wait don't do th-!" As we entered we hit something hard as I grabbed Houston protecting her as we were knocked out.

《Ship status: Crash landed onUnknown Planet》
《Time: 20:02》
《Status: Dead》
《//Stand by for rez//

"Haishvisja osi hwyeysiwnsojdudjsn." I yelled as I sit up pushing off the caved in cockpit. "Howdy Houston, it seems we have a problem." I smile as I fix my cloak. I hear a growl as I look at a creature that l looked like a bear? 'What ever they called it before the end of the golden age. This was no normal bear it was covered in bone armor, red burning eyes, sharp teeth, and oops shot him in the face.' I thought. "Well, the neighbors are nice." Houston said as she appeared. "You hear that?" I ask as large airships were a mile out. "Thinking what I'm thinking?" I said as Houston nodded and dissapeared while I jumped into a near by tree. White Capital ships passed over us as smaller ships came out deploying troops. They gather around the crashed Zenith SV. I readied the Ace of Spades as I watched them, they looked observed and scanned it. I looked at them as a man walked onto the scene. 'Who do we have here?' I thought as his uniform was clean cut, 100% parallel, and correct. 'He's a general. This is going to be fun.' I thought as Houston came in through the comms. "He's a general. Let's take them down nonlethaly." She said as I smirk. "I want this... ship taken out of the emerald forest, I don't want anyone knowing about this." The General said as a soldier ran up to him. "Sir there're no sign of life on or any bodies left on the ship. So that means the ship crashed here with no one in it or-" The soldier stops as the General continues. "-Or their no longer here." He looks around as I sink back away from his view. "Actually let's leave. I don't want to cause problems at this moment." I whisper to Houston, I slowly sink into the darkness. "Wait, you have stuff in there that you need!" She says through comms, "Like what?" I ask as she shows a hologram gram and I instantly through a flux grenade at another bear in a group as the soldiers take aim and go to secure. I sneak behind and walk into the ship. "C'mon c'mon c'mon!" I whisper harshly as I heard the group of bears die. I take out and run back into the forest. "Got the memory of the ship logs, planets, enemies, allies, etc. Let's move." I spawn a sparrow and blast off as one yells "Hostile!" They open fire as I swerve through trees and gun fire.

3rd POV

"General Ironwood! The Unknown subject got away." The soldier said,  "Send in some aircraft, he is heading towards Vale." General Ironwood said as he radioed troops to secure the perimeter.

Tex (you) POV

"Alright they know were here got anything on this place?" I ask Houston as I speed across the forest. "No data at all, but I see lights...lots of lights ahead." Houston says as I stop and get off the sparrow and look out into the long line of soldiers. Lasers all pointed at my chest, I chuckle. "Got any ideas?" I ask Houston. "Put your hands up!" The soldier yelled as I did so. "No I'm out of ideas." Houston says as I stare at the and count the heads, things that look like the go boom, and any cover to hide behind. "I have one." I tell her as she sighs, "Thid won't give us a good look." I took a deep breath, "They shot first." I remind her as she uploads data to my HUD of where to shoot and where to take cover. The I heard a heavy foot behind me. "Ursa!" A soldier yells as I jump out of the way of its claws by flipping over it drawing Ace and blowing its head off. "Put the gun down!" He said as I landed. "Really?" I mumble under my breath. The a wall dropped in front of me grey hair, cane, coffee mug, black glasses, and everyone stopped immediately. "Good afternoon Mr.?" The strange man asked. "Ozpin what is the meaning of this?" The General came into view asking the man known as Ozpin. "Ah, General Ironwood I was just talking to this lovely fellow. When I couldn't help but notice you had your guns pointed at him." He says as the General sighs. "Ozpin! This thing is an alien to this world imagine the disease they brought!" He augured with him. "Hey I am not an alien!" I yelled gaining the attention of both. "Ozpin think about this!" The General says. "Ironwood, I'm taking him to my school and he'll be under my guidance." Ozpin said as they looked at each other, eyes locked, lighting between the two, then they did something unbelievable. "Rock, paper, scissors!" They both said as Ozpin through scissors Ironwood threw paper. "Ah! NANI!?" Ironwood lost and Ozpin won. "What the fuck just happened..." I ask as Ozpin walk by me, "Come with me Mr. Space Cowboy, it's time for you to go to school."

《Timeskip: 30 minutes》
《Area: Castle school named Beacon》
《Room: Ozpin's Office》
《Time: 21:10》

"So this is where I'll be staying?" I ask as he takes a sip and turns in his chair to face me. "No this is my office. Also may I see your face and get your name?" He asks. "Call me Tex." I answer, "And your face?" He said as i look at him through my visior. "Sigh." I transmat my helmet and look at him. "Oh my." Ozpin said setting his coffee down. "Yeah..." He smiles and looks at me. "Its okay Mr. Tex. That just means there's a lot more out there." I smile as I sit in a chair and lean back looking at the rotating gears above us. "Hey Houston." I call her name as she pops out Ozpin becomes fascinated. "I-incredible." He said as I heard a ding from the elevator. Houston hides, and my helmet comes back on. A women enters blonde hair, glasses, a Cape, and tablet. I roll for a pillar as she enters taking a seat in the chair I was in. "Hm... Ozpin I noticed you invited someone up hear where are they?" She asked. "Rain check I guess." He answered. "How have you been in this fine night Ms. Gylnda?" He asked. "I'm fine Ozpin, couldn't help but realize you've been a bit skippy today." She said eyeing him from the tablet. "Well our new friend will be having a fun year." I walk away from the pillar moving quietly towards the elevator. Gylnda gets up and walks to the window I stay out of her view, Ozpin throws two things at me a key kard and a phone that gets smaller. I press the button and the elevator doors open as a ding is heard, when I look over I see Ozpin hit a bell on his desk when it dinged. I slip in and press a button going down to the lobby. "Whew that was close." I said slumped against the wall. "Why were you afraid of her? Last time I checked you weren't afraid of anyone." Houston said popping up out of nowhere. "Heh, I don't know..." I answer as the elevator dings and opens the doors. I walk out and look at the card. "Room 6800 building D." I said trying to find. "Hey Houston help me out." She nods and floats up. "Found it." I walk inside and climb up the stairs and find it.

While looking at the card I bump into a girl with black hair red tips, silver eyes, skirt, and a red hood. "Oh sorry mister!" She apologising as I lend a hand. She takes my hand and gets up. I walk to my room open the door wave goodbye and close it. "Still acting strange around everyone?" Houston says popping up and looking at me with her single eye. ".... eh yeah..." I sighed in defeat. I get up and transmat all of my armor into the closet. I open the closet as I see my armor and weapon. "Hm..." I thought of a new helmet that would help with aim. I looked at the arms and thought of throwing a grenade farther. I looked at the boots and though of sliding farther running faster. "Oh well." I shrugged and sat in the bed shirt and shorts as I looked at my robotic arms and legs. "Goodnight Houston." I said as she hovered happily. "Goodnight Tex."

(A/N): Chapter 1 is complete and there will be updates to other stories in a bit. Good Morning, Evening, or Night and have a beautiful Day, noon, or night

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