Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

            I just stood there staring at him. “You’re lying.” I say, trying my best not to cry. But deep within me, I knew that Lynx was telling me the truth. I whipped around and stared into the darkness. The temperature had dropped a little, causing me to shiver. “I know that we should have told you sooner, Mari, but I guess that Nina and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. We’ve come to think of you as our own pup, you know this.”

            “But Lynx, what about the pull I’ve been feeling towards the western borders. And what has all this to do with me not changing at 18 like all the others?” I cried out, feeling frustrated. “I don’t know Mari, only your father would know, and no one has seen him or his pack in years.” He stood up and hugged me. “Come, pup, Nina will be worried nigh on to death about us.” I gave him a half-hearted smile and followed him back to the house.

            I grabbed some sweat pants, a tank top, and a change of under clothes, and headed to the shower as soon as we got home. I could hear Nina crying softly, and I knew that Lynx was hugging her. I turned on the hot water and stepped in. It’s not their fault, I said to myself as I let the water run over me. Lynx and Nina were only looking out for me, a hurt, confused, traumatized young pup, who had just seen her whole family murdered before her very eyes. Correction, I grimly thought, the orphan pup whose birth mother was murdered by Mutts as well. I finished my shower and stepped out. As I was drying, I suddenly had an idea. Slipping into my clothes, I rushed to the den. “Lynx, Nina, I think I know what this feeling of being pulled to the western borders is.” I say a little breathless.

            “Lynx said that Alpha Randy, my, uh, biological father and his pack journeyed west. What if this pull is his wolf, trying to find my wolf because he’s hurt or in trouble. It’s like that story you told me as a child, remember.” I smiled at them, although I knew what I was saying was a little on the crazy side.

            I didn’t wait for them to answer. “We started out Harvest Moon break this week, and we’re still out for another month. I would like to go to the western borders and try to find Randy. Please?” I ask looking from first Nina to Lynx. I watched as they turned to each other, tears in both their eyes. “Mari, I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” Lynx started to speak. “But….”

            “I need to go, Lynx. Please understand. I think he needs me. Or why else would I start to feel like this? I’ll be back before school starts again I promise.” After begging and pleading with both of them for over an hour, they gave in. I knew that as my alpha, Lynx didn’t feel right in letting an unmarked, unchanged fae out of his territory.  I knew that he only wanted me to be safe, but at the moment I wasn’t worried about my safety. I was worried about Randy’s.

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