Chapter Nine

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Richie shook his head and blushed.

"Yes, you are! I was shivering with desire! I want you! Here, now, always." Jon kissed Richie hard with that statement, trying to show him how much he wanted him. "I love you!" This surprised the hell out of Jon.

"What?" Richie stopped dead in his tracks, in the middle of assaulting Jon's neck. He pulled back to look at Jon square in the eyes. "Did you just say what I think you said? I need- I need to know the truth or are you just yanking my chain?"

"Yes! No. I love you," Jon whispered. Afraid he'd said the wrong thing at the wrong time, he blinked away the tears that were threatening to spill from his eyes.

A slow, but huge smile lit up Richie's face and his eyes shone with unshed tears too, but for a different reason.

"God, Jonny! I- I love you too, like life itself. That's why it's so important that we don't rush tonight. I want us to remember this night for the rest of our lives."

"I want to remember this feeling," Jon agreed with a relieved smile.

Their heads fell together into a soft loving kiss, confirming the mutual declaration of love.

"So maybe we need to just breathe for a minute. Let's have dessert and back away from the edge for a while." Richie said. He was so happy, he was ready to shout it from the rooftop or do a happy dance through the suite. In fact, that's what he did, his own little happy dance around a stunned Jon.

"Sounds perfect," Jon smiled fondly as he watched Richie dance out of the bedroom to where the berries and cream were still chilling.

Jon glanced at the window and noticed it had started raining again. He went over to open it and let in some cool air. He also found the rhythm of the rain to be quite soothing so he leaned against the frame and took a deep calming breath. Richie loved him! His ultimate dream had just come true. Jon felt like he could fly.

Richie came back into the bedroom all shirtless, smooth-chested and beautiful and Jon had never been more excited to have dessert in his life.

Richie moved to the bed with the bowls and said, "The rain smells nice." He held a hand out to Jon and smiled. "Come. It's time for dessert."

Jon was hungry and he wanted it all, the berries, the whipped cream, and Richie, especially Richie. He floated toward the bed, unable to feel his feet anymore. He could see his fantasy becoming a reality.

Jon climbed onto the bed, rose petals and all, and laid down on his side facing Richie with the bowls between them. He saw it now, even in the dim light. He wondered how he had not noticed Richie's loving gaze before.

Jon selected a fat strawberry first and bit into the juicy flesh. Richie just lay still watching him, watching as the juice stained Jon's lips and his tongue darting out to capture any stray morsels. His fingers disappeared one by one into his perfect mouth to suck them clean. Richie groaned.

"Are you joining me, or just going to watch all night?" Jon asked, his eyes a deep sapphire blue.

"If I watch you do that again, I'm going to cum in my own pants. That's not the place I was thinking of cumming tonight," Richie teased.

Jon took that as a dare and picked another berry, dipping it into the cream this time. He stared at Richie while he ran his tongue through the cream at the tip of the red fruit, swirling it around until the cream was almost gone. He then offered the fruit to Richie, who took a bite from it, dropping onto his back with a groan, his hand going to his groin.

"Nuh-uh, not yet, baby!" Jon admonished. He chose a few raspberries, tasting one first, before moving to his knees beside the prone brunette. He dipped the red buds into the cream then laid them in a line down the middle of Richie's chest.

Part One of Ahh Paris! series: Everybody Must Have A FantasyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang