Chapter Fourteen

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"Look at them."

Tico looked up from his magazine to where David was pointing.

Jon and Richie were sitting next to each other on the plane. Their break was over so they were flying to Switzerland for their show tomorrow night. Richie's hand was resting on the inside of Jon's thigh like it was the most natural thing in the world. Jon was whispering something in Richie's ear.

Tico had never seen them both look so content and happy. "Lovely," he commented.


"Hey, guys. Richie, David has something he wants to show you in the back," Tico interrupted.

"Okay," Richie said. "Excuse me, babe." He kissed Jon's cheek and got up and walked to the back.

Jon looked after him distractedly.

"So Jon," Tico sat down where Richie had been. "Tell me how you're feeling about everything."

"Great!" Jon let loose his megawatt smile. "I kind of want to stay in Paris with Richie forever. Being with him is a dream come true yet better than I thought it would be." Jon couldn't stop smiling.

"That's great! I'm sorry about locking you guys out on the balcony. It was the best idea we could come up with," Tico apologized.

"It's okay. I wasn't mad. I was confused- until you locked Richie out too. Then I knew." He knew it was time to make his move.

"Did Richie sweep you off your feet and plant a wet one on you?"

Jon smiled at the memory. "Something like that. Yeah."

"I'm glad," Tico said. "You deserve it. You deserve to be loved, Jonny."


Tico saw that Jon's eyes were watering so he enveloped him in a warm hug.

"I told him I loved him too," Jon admitted happily. "I wasn't planning it either. I blurted it out while we were kissing." Jon laughed.

"Oh my god!"

"He said that he loved me too! It's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard, Teek."

"I bet. Did you sleep together that night?" Tico didn't know why he was asking this since he knew they did.

"Yeah," Jon sighed dreamily. "We couldn't help ourselves. It was-"

Tico was surprised that Jon was opening up like this. What a difference love makes.

"It was awkward at first. It took us a minute to calm down but then it was fantastic. He's more gentle than I thought he would be but I like it."

"Did you spend the whole three days in the suite?"

"No, we went out last night. Richie went back to his own suite to shower and get dressed and then he came to my door and got me like we were going on a date," Jon chuckled. "And we dressed up. Richie looked gorgeous. We went out for dinner. I have no idea what we ordered or what we ate because the menu was in French but it was delicious."

"Sounds great." Tico had never seen Jon talk like this. "What happened after that?"

"We came back to the hotel and we were at Richie's door and he asked me if he could kiss me goodnight! I said yes, of course, and we kissed and he asked me if I wanted to come in."

"Like a real date. I get it." Tico nodded.

"We spent the night in his room making love. It was the best." Jon blushed. "It was the perfect night. The best date I've ever had."

Part One of Ahh Paris! series: Everybody Must Have A FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now