Chapter Two

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Tico invited the uncharacteristically distracted singer to his room because he knew he needed to confess something. Something he already knew. Being the eldest of the group, he saw things more clearly than the rest when it concerned his friends. Like a wise man, people tended to gravitate to him for advice.

"You've been acting weird. During the show too," Tico observed.

"I know."

"Jon, just tell me what's distracting you lately, because I think I already know."

Jon took a slow deep breath. He thought he had his feelings for Richie under control. Obviously, he did not. "I'm in love with Richie," he whispered.

"I know," Tico said. "You've been flirting with him pretty heavily. And then you sang that song to him tonight."

Jon didn't know why he serenaded the guitarist with "Let's Make It Baby." He must be losing his mind. But Richie seemed to like it; he couldn't stop smiling. Then neither could Jon. He could hardly hear himself sing due to the noise from the audience, but he didn't care. He wasn't singing to them for this particular song.

"The person you've been having fantasies about is Richie," Tico observed.

Jon hid his red face in his hands. "Yes."

Tico place a soothing hand on his friend's shoulder.

"I've been fantasizing about him for a while. He's just so-" Jon went on, "He's so awesome and cool and fun and- gorgeous. I feel so good when I'm with him. And I think about him all the time. He's- he's everything. I love him," Jon said again.

"So you've thought about sleeping with him?" Tico asked.

Jon just nodded. "I want to."


"I don't know exactly what I want. I think I just want to get in bed with him and see what happens." Jon got a chill of anticipation saying this out loud.

Jon had noticed since they've been on the European part of the tour that his fantasies about Richie had slid into the realm of lovemaking. He was now visualizing Richie lifting his knees and spreading his legs for him. By the time the tour arrived in Italy, he was visualizing spreading his legs for Richie. He didn't know if it was the romance of the Italian air or what, but his body now tingled at the thought of Richie kissing him, Richie holding him, and Richie making love to him.

Unlike David was with Richie, Tico was not really surprised by this. "I see," he said simply. Jon and Richie had always been in love in their own way. What he was surprised by was that Jon admitted it. "Are you going to tell him?"

"No! I don't know." Jon was tortured. "If I tell him, he'll know."

"Yes," Tico said.

There was a long silence.

"I think you need to get some sleep." Tico was totally the dad of the group.

Jon had barely entered the hallway when he ran right into the subject of their conversation. "Oof, Rich, watch where you're going," Jon said.

Richie grabbed his arms to steady them both and stared into Jon's eyes. He felt so obvious as Richie looked at him like he knew what he and Tico were talking about and that it was about him. Jon didn't know what to say.

Luckily Tico heard and came out to join Jon. "Hey Rich, everything okay? Where have you been tonight?" he asked.

Richie slowly dropped his hands from Jon's arms and Jon thought he saw something in Richie's face. Jon couldn't help it when his eyes quickly flicked down to Richie's open shirt. He tried to remain expressionless but knew he failed.

"Umm, sorry, sorry, must have been distracted. I was just talking to Lemma. I'm- I'm just about to have a shower, then bed. Yes, Boss, before you even ask, I'll be ready for the early flight." And with that Richie went to his room. He waved a hand above his head as Tico bade him goodnight.

"What's with him?" Tico thought as he walked with Jon back to the singer's suite. "I just want you to know that I'm fine with it and I'll keep this to myself," he said to Jon. "I know you could surely have me killed," he joked.

"Thanks, Teek. Thanks for listening."

"Just think about telling him okay. How long do you want to go on like this?"


"Goodnight, Jonny."

"Goodnight." Jon locked the door and felt a little better about his whole situation. Talking it out with Tico had helped a lot.

But bumping into Richie in the hallway had gotten Jon in the mood, he realized as he took off his clothes to shower. Just the slightest touch from Richie got Jon unbearably excited lately, even if it was accidental. And his delicious smooth chest was all exposed and then he mentioned that he was going to take a shower and Jon couldn't help visualize that. Little Jonny was up for some action so Jon's brain slipped into his favourite shower fantasy.

He was washing his hair when Richie joined him. He came up behind Jon and moved his arms around his waist. Jon sighed and turned his head and they kissed wetly. Richie slowly lowered his right hand down Jon's pleasure trail and kept going to the thatch of darker blond curls. After what seemed like an agonizing amount of time, his hand reached Jon's erect cock and he slowly stroked it. Jon groaned and deepened the kiss.

Since the tour had started, Jon had fantasized about Richie every time he showered. He chuckled to himself as he realized his cum was down the drain of every hotel room he stayed in from North America to Europe. After finishing with satisfaction, Jon dried off and got into bed. It was an exhausting show. Glad for the break they had starting tomorrow, he rolled over and tried to get some sleep.


Richie was standing at the foot of Jon's bed slowly undressing. Jon watched with great interest as Richie slowly unbuttoned his shirt. It slipped off his tan shoulders and revealed his smooth chest. He unzipped his fly next and Jon could see that Richie was as excited as he was. Jon tingled with anticipation, stroking his own cock lightly with just the tips of his fingers. "Richie," he whined desperately.

"Patience, Jonny. I'm not done," Richie teased. His pants were the next to go then Richie stood there naked and beautiful. After a few moments of enjoying having Jon look, he crawled onto the big bed and finally made the long journey to the headboard where the aroused singer was sitting.

"Mmm, you're so sexy, Richie," Jon purred as Richie leaned in for an intense kiss.

"Thank you, baby. You're no slouch yourself, hot stuff."

Jon melted all over the bed as Richie reached under the pillow for massage oil.

"What do you want to do, Jonny?" Richie's voice was like velvet.

"All I wanna do is make love to you," Jon said breathlessly.

"Ooh yeah." Richie straddled Jon's quivering legs and Jon panted as Richie massaged the oil onto the singer's erection.

Just when Jon thought he was going to die of anticipation, Richie lifted himself up and guided Jon's ready cock to his entrance.

Jon's cock head penetrated slowly and slipped in easily. "Oh yes," Richie hissed as he sunk down and started riding Jon slowly.

"Oh baby, this is- God-" Jon tried to express how fucking unbelievable this felt when Richie grabbed onto the headboard so he could ride Jon faster. Jon's eyes rolled back in his head and he slid his hands over Richie's hips as he rode him harder. Faster and harder until-

Beep! Beep! Beep!

His alarm. Jon punched the mattress and groaned but not in the sexual way he was in the dream. This was his frustrated I'd-rather-be-thinking-about-Richie groan. It was time to get up and run four miles before the flight. But first, he had to masturbate another Richie-induced erection away. Just a normal morning for Jon.

Part One of Ahh Paris! series: Everybody Must Have A FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now