Chapter Five

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"Jon and Richie sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g-"

David was puttering around in the hotel room unpacking since they had a couple of days off in Paris. Usually, he just lived out of his suitcase, but this warranted a slight feeling of normalcy. Besides, he was so happy about his little secret and he was so engrossed in singing his silly song that he forgot that he and Tico were sharing the suite.

The quaint boutique hotel afforded large suites, appointed with the finest of decors and the most amazing views of the Eiffel Tower. The suites featured a lush cream colour palette and there were orchids in every room. After all these years they could afford to relax for a couple of days in the finest of accommodations. Long gone were the days of living out of the back of Tico's van.

Tico overheard David singing softly. "What did you say just now?"

"Uh- nothing," David froze.

"Did you see Jon and Richie kissing?" Tico asked.

"No. Why would I?"

"Do you know something?" Tico asked suspiciously.

"No. I know nothing," David insisted, continuing in his happy place and unpacking.

Now Tico was more suspicious because David didn't think the question about their friends kissing was weird. "David."

"What?" David turned around with a guilty look.

"This is very important," Tico asked. "What do you know?" Could it be? Could it possibly be?

"Uh-" David stalled.

Tico took David by the arm, lead him to the sofa and sat him down, standing over him to indicate the gravity of the situation. "David!"

"It's a secret," he whispered.

"Maybe-" Tico sat down in a nearby chair. "Maybe it shouldn't be a secret." He smiled.

"What are you talking about?" Then David pieced it together. "Wait a minute. Has Jon told you that he loves Richie?!" he yelled excitedly, "Jon loves Richie! Oh my fucking god!"

"Calm down! The whole hotel will hear you."

"Did he?" David clasped his hand over his own mouth.

Tico nodded.

"Oh my god! This is the greatest news ever!" David exclaimed. "Richie is going to be so happy! Happier than he already is- I don't know what this is going to do to him."

Unicorns came to mind. Richie was going to transform into a glittery rainbow-striped unicorn of requited love and hearts and stars. He'd grow sparkling wings and fly over the universe shouting, "Jon Bon Jovi loves me! And I love him!" David could see all of this in his warped mind.

"This is awesome." He stood up and started dancing in his excitement.

Tico laughed at David's exuberance. He then imagined Jon in a loving relationship- a loving relationship with Richie. He pictured them standing together with Richie holding Jon's hand as they gazed lovingly at each other. There was no doubt in Tico's mind that Richie would be a fantastic boyfriend and lover to Jon. He would absolutely adore Jon and Jon would love being adored by Richie.

This is what Tico had thought that Jon needed the whole time. Sure all of their fans loved him but from afar. What he needed was love from up close. He needed someone to hold him, to soothe him, to really be with him. Of course, this person was Richie. He was perfect. They were perfect. Their personalities complimented each other so well. They were night and day, hot and cold, yin and yang.

"Jon may actually mellow out," Tico understated.

"Oh boy," David agreed.

"We have to tell them. How are we going to tell them?" Tico asked, always the practical thinker.

"I don't know. But we have to come up with something. Soon."

"Yeah, they shouldn't not be together anymore. It's been long enough," Tico sighed.

"I'll calm down and come up with some ideas," David agreed.

"Okay. Me too."

"I don't believe this," he says.

Tico slapped David on the back of the head. "Seriously? Do you walk around with your eyes closed? They've had it bad for each other for years."

"Ow!" David pouted. "I believe they love each other. Sheesh. I just meant-" David thought of how to put it into words. "They'll be together. Together."

David didn't know why his mind went immediately to their sex life but he was afraid that when Jon and Richie made love for the first time, they would spontaneously combust, start a fire or cause an explosion or all three. "This is going to be something!"

Tico somehow knew what he was thinking. "Get your dirty mind out of the gutter."

"I just think that when they find out the feeling is mutual, there needs to be a bed nearby," David said seriously.

Tico groaned. "Well put."

Part One of Ahh Paris! series: Everybody Must Have A FantasyWhere stories live. Discover now