Chapter 19

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Carol bumped into Michonne, knocking over the water buckets she was holding. The water spilled everywhere, and Carol huffed, dropping the buckets. Michonne kept walking, ignoring Carol, the buckets, the water and Carol's foul attitude, Michonne wasn't liking. Michonne stomped up the steps to Daryl, who lay ready in bed, to go to sleep.

"Ye an' Carol still at it, ain't ya?" He commented as Michonne stomped into the house, taking off her shoes and dropping them loudly into the floor. "Saw y'all knock over all that water." Michonne rolled her eyes, and slid off her pants. Daryl kept his eyes on Michonne as she changed, and let his mind wander. This house was big and it was quiet, with only him and Michonne. It was also dark, and sometimes the house frightened Daryl, which Michonne found cute. Daryl found it annoying that his fears sometimes came in the way of some things. Daryl didn't know what to think about what he was thinking. What was he thinking? Was he thinking that he wanted children. Daryl always wanted five children. Two girls, and two boys. Daryl was aware that was too much to ask, and after Lori, he knew Michonne wouldn't want a baby in fear the same thing would happen to her. Daryl was scared too, he didn't want anything to happen to Michonne, but he enacted children, he knew that much. He also knew he had never felt this way before. That he wanted to be with Michonne for a long time. That's all that mattered, kids or not. He felt the bed shift and creak, and Daryl looked over to see Michonne sliding under the covers with only her bra and panties on. "Oh..." Daryl cooed to Michonne, seeing she was only half-clothed. "It's that kinda night..." Daryl trailed off, and grabbed Michonne's bare skin near her hips. Daryl kissed up her neck, but Michonne pushed him away, face stern. Daryl groaned and moved off Michonne, and fell against the pillow. "No talkin' tonight?" Daryl grumbled, and Michonne took a deep breath.

"I'm upset," Michonne said angrily, and folded her arms, "and I'm dressed like this because it's hot." She huffed, arms still crossed and Daryl nodded, not talking. But within a few minutes, Daryl couldn't help but break the tension.

"Do you want me to take off the cover blanket..." Before Daryl continued, Michonne cut him off.

"No." Michonne said, flatly, turning around on her side and facing away from Daryl. He knew Michonne was upset, but whenever someone else was grumpy it put him in a bad mood too. He knew how nosy and annoying Carol could get and he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Well..." Daryl brought up. He wasn't tired and he didn't want to go to sleep with Michonne upset. The morning would only be worse. "I know Carol's mad at ye..." Michonne cut him off again.

"Daryl, Carol is just a bitch, I don't like her. Okay?"


Daryl woke up to finding Michonne's presence absent, as usual. He found her removed clothes from last night gone, as well as her katana. Daryl fumbled out of the bed and into his clothes. He grabbed his crossbow of the chair, leaning against the wall, and walked outside, seeing Rick pumping water from the water pump near the fence. It was insanely humid outside and Daryl could see Rick sweating all the way from here. He walked up to an exhausted Rick, who turned to Daryl hearing his footsteps. "How's Gareth settlin' in?" Daryl brought up and Rick smirked and shrugged.

"Guess he's doing fine," Rick assumed, shrugging and dropping the bucket lightly to the ground.

"Do ye know where 'Chonne is?" Daryl asked, rearranging his crossbow on his back.

"She went out hunting 'bout an hour ago," Rick said, turning back away from daryl and to the pump. Rick knew what Daryl was going to say.

"You ain't try and stop 'er?" Daryl sneered and Rick kept his face away from Daryl's gaze.

"I think she can take care of herself, Daryl," Rick reminded him. Michonne could more than take care of just herself. She was very independent, and Daryl loved it, but still took his overprotective-boyfriend place. "She was on her own a long while before she found us." Daryl tried to believe what Rick said was true, and he did, but his over protectiveness overcame him.

"What way did she go?" Daryl barked to Rick, who ran his hands over his face. Rick pointed in a direction north, and Daryl took off to the woods, to michonne.

What do you think about Gareth? Andrew J West who plays Gareth in the walking dead is just adkdkdkdjkxk😍😍😵

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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