Chapter 17

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Daryl, Michonne and Carol arrived to the neighborhood, where one car was still there, the other two gone. Daryl parked and got out of the car along with Michonne. Tyreese and Rick stood to the side, talking, and Sasha and Bob were talking excitedly amongst each other about starting new life and maybe even a family. Daryl scoffed at the family part, the more people that came along, the more food he was left to hunt for. Sure, the more people there were, the more protective he would feel. That brought a smile onto Daryl's face. Daryl even thought a few traces of ideas about a family with Michonne crossed his mind, but brushed them off quickly. Michonne wouldn't want to do that, and Daryl imagined how terrible of a father he would be. Not having a good father, a horrible one at that, Daryl didn't have a good role model, and Merle sure as hell wasn't any prize. Rick smiled when he saw Michonne, and walked over to join them, Tyreese trailing behind him.

"The others went to go get more stuff," Rick told Michonne, as Daryl was snapped out of his thoughts and walked over to join the group. Tyreese looked out of it and couldn't seem to pay attention.

"'Reese, ya alright?" Daryl piped up and Tyreese snapped out of his thoughts, and looked to Daryl nodding his head frantically. "Don't look like it." Daryl snapped, and Michonne nudged him with her elbow to keep quiet. Tyreese sighed and gave in to Daryl's persistence.

"This place... it just reminds me of Woodbury," he said shaking his head. "It may be fine to you guys but I went to Woodbury when it was falling apart. That place wasn't a town, it wasn't home. I'm just scared that something bad is going to happen here."

"Nothing bad's gonna happen until you start bowing down and calling me Governor," Rick chuckled and it brought a smile to Tyreese's face. "Maybe an eye patch to match."

"Every place gets overrun though. In the end... we either run or we fight," Daryl said, repositioning his crossbow on his shoulder. Michonne wasn't sure what was going on with Daryl, he seemed to be full of negativity today, but luckily wasn't in a snappy, grumpy mood like he sometimes could be.

"Until then," Rick said, "we need to start establishing watch positions, needs to be high up. We need to get water and food in here. Start clearing out houses, then we can talk about a game plan. Sound good?" All three of them nodded. "Carol!" Rick called to her. Tyreese, Michonne and Daryl turned to see Carol lifting three heavy boxes. "You don't have to do that, we can wait until the others get here." She kept her face flat and didn't seem happy at all.

"I want too," she replied, a little shyly, and continued on her way. Rick huffed and smiled to Michonne, who smiled back. Daryl turned around and walked towards the houses, Tyreese following him. Rick and Michonne stood side by side as they watched Tyreese attempt to take the boxes from Carol, but she ended up pushing him away and dropping the boxes, running off in a hurry.

"What got into her?" Rick asked Michonne, who sighed. "Uh oh, women drama?" He said laughing and pushing Michonne's shoulder playfully.

"That girl is a piece of work. She's tough, but a piece of work. The littlest things get to her," Michonne said, shaking her head. Michonne was nothing like Carol in many ways and couldn't stand her. "She's mad 'cause she has a school girl crush on Daryl. Whatever. It's no big deal. She's just upset at me... guess I took 'her' man." Rick chuckled.

"Well, Carol tends to believe that sometimes we live in a reality show," Rick said and Michonne chuckled, nodding. Rick had really opened up to Michonne lately and she enjoyed it very much. He was intelligent and understood her sense of humor.

"I better catch up with Daryl, I'll catch you later," Michonne said, patting Rick on his shoulder and walking off to find Daryl.

After searching for what seemed like forever, Daryl was sitting on a porch step, in front of the most beautiful house she had ever seen. His crossbow was sitting beside him and he was picking pieces of wheat. Daryl heard Michonne walk up and dropped his gaze. "Found us a house," he said, slowly, "cleared it out, none those damn brainless piece of shits were in there." He wouldn't bring his gaze up to Michonne and continued to find more interest in the grass. Michonne sighed and sat next to Daryl on the porch step.

"What's going on with you today?" She asked him. Michonne was really wishing today wasn't going to be a "Daryl Diva" day, but she had an idea that it had already started.

"Why don't you go ask your boyfriend, Rick 'bout it?" Daryl snapped and stood up, grabbing his crossbow.

"Daryl," Michonne began, cocking her head to the side. "You honestly think I like Rick more than a sexy, funny, crossbow hunter like you?" Daryl blushed and tried to hide his growing a smile.

"Well when you say it like that..." He trailed off, grinning like an idiot. "But I seen the way he looks at you, I don't want ya ta get any ideas." Michonne smiled leaning against the porch post.

"Never," she said, kissing Daryl quickly.

A long waited update.

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