Chapter 3

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We walked side by side and I felt his crossbow continuously hitting my hip we were so close. The sanctuary was in view, and Tyreese walked ahead of us, his hammer by his side, ready to strike. "What happened with Beth? I saw her leave with you that day." Daryl grunted and I smiled a little bit.

"You sure are talking a lot more since I last seen ya." He commented, avoiding my question. After a couple minutes of silence, thinking he dodged a bullet, but I pestered him a bit more.

"Was she bit?" I asked as we finally reached the asphalt road leading into the sanctuary. Daryl stopped and stared at the sanctuary. "I know. It isn't my cup of tea either. They make you feel like everything is alright. I tend to go out a couple times everyday on runs and kills." That seemed to calm him a little bit. He continued to walk with me and we arrived at the apartment building. Rick was awaiting us, nodding at Tyreese before he disappeared upstairs. "How long are you gonna avoid my question?" He sighed.

"We were staying in a funeral home when it got overrun. I told her to meet me outside in the graveyard and she was kidnapped. Came in with this group, killed a couple men, left, and a week later found Beth's body in the woods with a bloody hole in her head." I looked down to the floor. I couldn't find any words to say, I would miss her singing, and her always upbeat laughter. "It's okay," I heard him say, "she told me something I'll never forget." I looked to him and raised my eyebrows. "If you don't have hope what's the point in living." I smiled.

"Sounds like Beth." Daryl scoffed and then looked to his crossbow. "Are you getting soft Daryl?" I teased him and he scoffed again throwing his crossbow over his shoulder hastily.

"Nah. We don't get to be soft, or cry or even be sad anymore. Except for Carol, she always did that. Even since before I knew you." I tried to manage a smile but everyone around the camp knew Carol liked Daryl, and no matter how much Daryl denied it everyone said Daryl liked her. I didn't know why I cared. It's not like I liked Daryl, had any feelings for him or anything. There was too much going on anyway for a relationship. Too much going on for feelings as Daryl said. I realized we had been standing there awkwardly for a few minutes now and looked up to him. "Are we gonna go in or what?" He asked and I smiled, him smiling back. As much as he would smile, anyway. I walked inside and up the side stairs, to avoid people as much as possible. "They're damn apartments?" He muffled under his breath.

"Yeah, but they're big enough to fit a few people. Rick, Carl and I have been staying in our apartment with plenty of space. Same with Carol, Tyreese, Lizzie and Mica." I commented and he grunted.

"You've been staying with rick?" Was that... jealousy?

"Not in the same bedroom or anything." I said quickly holding my hands up in defense, shaking my head. "We have to pack in the apartments even though they are big. We need extra space for incomers, you know."

"Oh." He said under his breath. "Where will I stay?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled.

"Every apartment has four bedrooms we have extra space," I said and smiled, leading him into our apartment. I forgot we passed Rick on the way up the stairs. I wonder what he was doing or where he was going. I opened the door and walked in.

"The door stays unlocked?" Daryl asked nervously.

"What has gotten into you?" I asked, laughing a little bit. "Thought you were mister invincible." He didn't smile so I quit joking. "The doors have three locks but we lock them at night." Daryl nodded and walked inside behind me. Carl was sitting at the kitchen table reading a dusty comic book. He looked up and saw Daryl, his eyes becoming wide and and he popped out of his chair.

"Daryl!" He chirped, and stood out of his chair. He waked over to him and hugged him. Daryl wasn't sure what to do at first, but eventually pat his back and released. He pat his shoulders a couple times and Carl smiled. "They had some old comics in the library thought id read some." I nodded.

"Daryl's gonna be staying with us so I'm just gonna go show him his room." Carl nodded at me and I lead Daryl up to the empty room next to mine.

"Never been into this cheery shit." Daryl commented, placing his now on the floor. I nodded. The walls were bright orange and a yellow sun was painted onto the wall.

"Yeah that's why no one chose it." I said and he laughed a little bit.

"Where's your room?" He asked looking me into the eyes.

"Right next door. Plumbing works here. So you have the bathroom and everything but I'm right next door." He smiled reassuringly and I left him alone in his new room. I didn't think I had feelings for Daryl, but something pulled me closer to him.

||follow my twitter for my wattpad @officialtwdfan I just got it and already have 14 followers so it'd mean so much if you follow.||

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