Chapter 11

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I thumped down the stairs, to find Carl reading a book and eating his cereal at the breakfast table. "Are you ever gonna get tired of that damn cereal?" I asked him, and he laughed, shaking his head. I sat across from him at the table and his smile faded. He displayed at utterly concerned face and looked up to meet my gaze.

"You worried me last night, you didn't get back until late." He said, and I pat his shoulder and pursed my lips. "I was about to go out and find you." I shook my head.

"I'll always be here, just was a little upset last night was all, had to go take my anger out on a few Walkers. I'll always be here, buddy." He smiled.

"Me too," I heard behind me, and turned around to meet Daryl's gaze, his hair a little messy, but he was still adorable. I smiled and that put a eager smile on his face. "Rick's down with Mary and Tyreese and I are going to find a place to go to when we leave." I nodded and stood out of the chair.

"Can I go?" Carl asked Daryl, who nodded and smiled. "You too, Michonne?" I nodded and smiled, grabbing my katana from next to the door, and putting it over my shoulder. Daryl smiled at this, and Carl jumped up and raced up the stairs to go retrieve his gun.

"Glad your goin'," Daryl said gruffly, and I smiled. "It's gonna be fun." I rolled my eyes and leaned casually against the wall.

"There are gonna be other people there, Tyreese and Carl..." Daryl nodded and smirked a little bit.

"I know." He stepped closer to me, placing his hands casually on my hips, and our lips met gently only for a few seconds, and then Daryl pulled out. "I know."  I heard Carl come down the steps and Daryl stepped back and Carl smiled anxiously with his gun at his side. Daryl grabbed his crossbow which was set on the couch and all three of us walked out of the door. Tyreese was already outside, and he nodded and followed us out to the railroad. "What's wrong?" Daryl asked Tyreese, who looked upset.

"Mica passed away last night, and Lizzie and Carol... aren't taking it well." Tyreese said, sighing. I looked down to the asphalt of the road and so did Carl.

"I'm sorry, man." Daryl said, and pat Tyreese's shoudler, in a comforting way. "Things ain't the same anymore, things happen." Tyreese nodded and Carl pretended to scrub the handle of his gun. We began to walk north on the railroad and Daryl and Tyreese were several yards ahead of us now, carrying on their own conversation.

"What's going on between you and Daryl?" Carl asked, looking up to me, and I raised my eyebrows. How did he know about this?

"Nothing. Daryl's a friend." I said, smiling and Carl shook his head.

"No, you guys are more than friends, c'mon, Michonne, don't lie." I smiled at his behavior, but his blue eyes continued to look at me, awaiting an answer.

"I don't know what we are, Carl, but we are more than friends, you are right. How do you know this?" I asked him, and he smiled and giggled.

"I saw you guys kiss downstairs this morning and talking, you guys kissed again? Or..." My eyes widened and I bit my lower lip.

"No, no, we just kissed, this morning... it was the second time. That's why I was mad last night." Carl nodded his head and we continued to walk along. "But, Carl, can we keep this a secret? Daryl and I need to tell everyone on our own... when we are ready, of course." Carl nodded.

"My lips are sealed, but... when are you and Daryl gonna tell everyone?" I shrugged. I didn't know if we would ever tell anyone. I don't know if we would even keep up what we were doing. I didn't even know what we were doing.

"You know Daryl, he needs time." Or did I need time?


"I told you it's perfect." I said, opening the gate, which didn't open easily, but it did. "Some of the walls need to be built up better, but a gaited neighborhood... it's perfect. Everyone can get their own house, of their choice." Tyreese nodded and Carl smiled admiring all the open space, and spotting the park and pool building a couple hundred yards away. I wondered if there would be water in the pool.

"I don't know I never liked them gaited neighborhoods, it's like livin' in a damn cage," Daryl said, looking around. A few Walkers were coming towards us, but no one paid any attention to them.

"And the prison wasn't?" Tyreese asked snarkily, and I nodded.

"That's true," Daryl said, taking down the three Walkers and recollecting his arrows. "I don't know it's gonna take a while to clear this place, maybe we should wait a couple months 'fore winter. I reckon Walkers are gonna be slower in quantity then." Tyreese and everyone seemed to agree to this, which it was a good plan. "Plus, these houses are huge, it's gonna take a really long time to clear them."

"Time is one thing we have a lot of now," I pointed out and Daryl nodded. "Tyreese, why don't you take Carl around the perimeter make sure everything's stable, or we could fix it. 'Chonne and I will clear out this house here." Tyreese nodded and signaled Carl. Carl smirked at me and I rolled my eyes. "C'mon let's go clear this house."

Love and a Crossbow (Daryl Dixon And Michonne)Where stories live. Discover now