Chapter 32.

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Jenny's POV

Everything is clear now, clear than it was supposed to be.

She's really my love, but it isn't enough for us to be together, to share a life and be one person in two bodies.

She doesn't want to get back, but instead of waiting for her I need to rush things.

I can't live without Demi. I can't.

Demi is my whole world, but I'm just one person in her world. You can't love someone more than this person loves you.

Heartbreaking is inevitable, as much as you fall in love it's easier to end up destroyed.

But when you love someone you take risks for this person as much as you get hurt, if you love this person you'll be strong enough to fight for what you want, trust me, this is real love.

Everything changes from the day to night.

I got up and drew on some clothes, not carting that I wore then yesterday.

"I need to find her" I mumbled to myself as I turned the doorknob.

Demi's POV

The blurred memories from the other night, got back so fast that for a moment I couldn't think right, so many confusing fragments were rushing back into my mind.

I stopped for a second looking at the rough white door which 2 steps in front of me.

Everything changes. Nothing stays the same as long as you want them to stay.

I don't want all this lies between us. Sebastian and I.

I know he's hiding, he always is.

I stepped in his hotel room, he looked weirdly at me as I sat down on a sofa next to the TV.

Secrets demand to be told- I thought for a moment as he's green orbs looked straight into mine.

He's a big liar.

"Are you okay ?" He asked looking through the room.

"I'm. But you're not." I said not breaking my eye contact.

He smirked for a second but instantly frowned as he realized that I knew he was lying.

"You and Jenny are really siblings" I said laughing of what I got into, again.

I can be a idiot, but not twice.

"Tell the truth" I said and he stayed quiet.

"Nothing can hurt me more than what your sister did to me" I said sincere from the bottom of my heart.

He smirked and said with some kind of creepy smile playing on his lips

"I played with you, just like my sister did to you, but I just no played with you, but with your friend too."

I was so fucking mad, no, I was beyond mad, I couldn't express my feelings at that moment.

This was one of the reasons which Marissa and I were getting distant from each other.

"YOU FUCKING DID THAT" I screamed pointing my finger to his face in disbelief.

As Sebastian was going to say something a third person invade our conversation.

"HOW COULD YOU ?" Jenny.

I was not the only one pissed here, but everything changed somehow when those words got out of her mouth.

"You not only made me play with Demi's feelings, but you played with her heart, she's not YOUR FUCKING TOY. I WON'T LET YOU DO THAT" She got extremely closer to him...




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