
A male says with 8 other males behind him.


Jin stands there confused not remembering if he invited them

"Oh come on and let us him I smell fooddd"

One of them fuss trying to push through the group at the door

"Jeongin stop"

One of them says raising up his hand as a warning.

"TAEHYUNG!! Did you invite your friends?"

Jin yells from the door , Taehyung comes to the door a shrugs saying he doesn't know them

"I was invited by Yoongi and my friends wanted to come is it okay if we come in"

Felix says politely trying to bow stepping in front


Jin says with shock letting them in bowing in a apology from making them stand out here instead of letting them in.


Jin apologizes to all of them until he caught a glance of someone familiar that's overioudly trying to hide


Jin says making the guess that know him run over and the rail.

"Where have you been We have been wond..oh it seems We know why"

Jin says happily but noticing him holding hands with another male that's watching closely with a cold stare.

"Move! I want food!"

Jeongin yells running upstairs to the kitchen

"Jeongin come back did you even thank him for letting us in his house!?"

Woojin says running after the misceviois boy

- 🍗 -

All the guess have arrived they have talked a bit and got plates they have said grace and started eating it's time to spill some tea.

"So y'all, ever single year we spill tea on this exact day so who wanna start you know Jimin , Jisung explain"

Jin says pointing at the two of them trying not make contact trying to focus on there food.

Jimin pretends not to understand Jisung stays quiet.

"당신에게도 무슨 일이 일어나고 있습니까"

Jin says with tone meaning he's serious , they become worried and nod they look at each other trying to figure out who speaks first

"We broke up"

Jisung says the whole room goes silent

"That's what I thought since you where holding hand with him"

Jin says calmly pointing at Minho


He says noticing Jin is trying to figure out his name

"But what happened did One of y'all cheat , did it not work out? To much of a age difference?"
Jin ask

"My parents found out about Jimin's age and they threatened him that they'll report him to Authorities for him dating me at 18 , I tried to confront them but they were serious I didn't want Jinin to got jail but we had to , but me and Jimin are still best friends"

Jisung explains everyone just nods as they listen

"Oh age gap , what do you have to say Jimin?"

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