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 Nyla blinks few times trying to understand the boy word. After what felt like an hour she finally speak.

 "You potty train right?" she bluntly ask causing the boy fall in shock.

 Paul eyebrows twitch in annoy. "I'm not talking about that."

 The girl giggle. "I know. I know. I'm just joking okay."

 Her comment only make him more annoy causing veins popped. "So are you going to help me train or not?"

 "Well, since I've nothing to do right now. Sure why not?" She shrug.

 "Good, let start now." The boy spun walking toward the door.

 "Not good, we start tomorrow." The girl add causing him stop mid-step and look at her.


 "Because we all tired and need some rest. Including you and your pokemon."

 "That just pathetic."

 Nyla just look at him. "Remember, this pathetic just kick your ass, twice." With that she walk away leaving the fuming boy.

-Next day-

 "Good morning." Nurse Joy greet Paul in her usual cheerful tone.

 The purple hair boy nod in acknowledge but keep looking around, searching for someone.

 "May I help you?" The healer ask.

 "Have you seen a girl with Eevee and Pikachu by her side?"

 "Oh, you mean Nyla? Yes, I did. They went out early this morning to get some fresh air."

 Paul frown. "Is that so? Do you-" but he was cut short by the person he was looking for.

 "Morning grumpy head." Nyla greet him as soon as she near than glance at the nurse. "Good morning Nurse Joy."

 "Good morning to you too." The nurse gladly greet back. "Well, I should check on the pokemon. I beg my pardon." With that she walk away leaving the two trainers alone.

 "When will the training start." Paul ask.

 Nyla shrug. "When I feel like I want too." With that she walk pass him.

 The boy was left dumb found buy manage to gather himself and follow the girl as she sat at one of the booth with her partners jumping and playing around. "You said that you will help me  training!"

 "Did I?" She playfully tilt her head which Eevee and Pikachu mimic by each of her side.

 Paul greet his teeth in annoyed which only amuse her much more.

 "Fine." She finally state after seeing the fuming boy. "Have your pokemon have their breakfast yet?"

 The purple hair boy was catch of guard as he wasn't able to answer knowing even if he did, it won't be the one that she want to hear.

 Nyla sigh. "After breakfast then." She stand up to prepare the foods but stop as she gave him side glance. "Next time, feed them before asking my help." With that she walk away leaving the annoyed boy.

~Time skip~

 "All right then!" The female trainer clasp her hand. "Who should we start with today?"

 Paul sigh before taking out a pokeball and lazily throw it. "Come out."

 The light faded revealing Chimchar who tilt it's head in confuse.

 "Aw, hello there little Chimmy." Nyla lower herself so that she would be as the same height as pokemon.

 Chimcar look at her in awe then remember that she was the person who gave him foods the other night and this morning which he happily cried out greeting her.

 "Stop wasting time would you." Paul scold his pokemon which cause it to turn gloom.

 The reddish brown hair girl glance at the pokemon owner and sigh. "Okay then. Why don't you show me your ways of training Chimchar then I will see what I can do about it."

 "Yeah whatever." The purple hair boy state, dismissingly.

 That how Nyla end up watching Paul keep on pushing Chimchar to keep on using Flame Wheel so that he could awaken the Blaze ability which he told the girl during the training on why he keep pushing the pokemon beyond it's limit.

 "That was just pathetic." Paul scold. "Again! Murkrow, shadow ball! Ursaring, Focus Blast! Chimchar, Flame Wheel! Go!" He order.

 The fire type pokemon stagger to stand up but still obey the order.

 Murkrow fire up Shadow Ball and Usraring blast up Focus Blast and both attack flew directly toward Chimchar who roll with flame covering all over him.

 Nyla sigh. "Okay I guess that enough. Eevee use Protect!" She order.

 Eevee jump in front of Chimchar and beautiful transparent wall appear protecting both pokemon which block the other powerful attack.

 Paul was shock at the sight, seeing the weak looking pokemon easily block such powerful attacks.

 "That would be enough for now." The girl state as she walk toward Chimchar who have stop and now was staring at her. "You did great, little Chimy. You deserve some rest." She raise him and let him lean on her shoulder letting the pokemon get some rest which he automatically fall asleep as soon as it's head fall on her shoulder.

 "What was that for?" The boy exclaim, annoyed.

 Nyla just gave him a look. "I think that's all for today. Chimchar deserve some rest and until he be back to it's perfect condition, he will be with me." With that she walk away leaving the dumbfounded which turn into a very angry boy.

 "Is there anything you would like to add with the way I train my pokemon?" Paul shout.

 The girl stop walking and glance back toward him with both her companions also stop to look at the fuming boy. "I do actually."

 "What is it then?"

 "I think that you're an idiot." She simply state and continue her way to the pokemon center with Eevee and Pikachu hopping by her sides.

A/N: Finally an update but sorry it wasn't much. Hope you guys like it. Please vote for it as a support for me to continue and leave some comments about your opinions.

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