Chapter 2

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 The purple hair boy with scowl plastered on his face walk through the forest trying to search for spot to call it a day. He arrive at the lake and saw a Dragonair swimming around.

He smirk, "What a day?" and bring out the pokeball and throw it toward the pokemon.

 Dragonair noticed the pokeball and hit it with its tail bouncing it off toward the boy who easily catch it

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 Dragonair noticed the pokeball and hit it with its tail bouncing it off toward the boy who easily catch it.

"What?" exclaim the confuse boy. "Could it be?"

"Sorry about that." Come a new voice making him turn and saw a girl with reddish brown hair with dark red and white cap coming out the bushes with Pikachu and Eevee hanging on each shoulder. "That Dragonair belong to me. That why you can't catch it."

 "Huh, whatever

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"Huh, whatever. It probably just another weak pokemon."

 Dragonair make noise in protest while the girl just unfazed by the boy rudeness. "Well, that harsh. You don't have to be bitter just because you won't able to catch it." The girl said while walking toward the Dragonair and call it back to it pokeball. She smile at it, "You done good job today, get some rest."

"Why the hell should I? I'm only stating the truth." He smirk.

 "Whatever you say." She just wave him off as both pokemon on her shoulder jump off and start running around making her laugh.

The boy become mad at her nonchalantly attitude and suggest, "Why don't we have a battle?"

The girl look at the boy and smile, "Sure why don't? But first may I know who I'm battling with?"

He smirk, "Huh, trying to know who will be beating you." Then his expression turn serious, "The name is Paul."

"Well, nice to meet you Paul. I'm Nyla." She introduced herself with smile plastered on her face. "Would you mind if it'll double battle? I want to try some of the combination move that I think of."

"Sure, I'll beat you anyway." He confidently state. "Now, came out Chimchar, Elekid." Paul call out his pokemon.

" Paul call out his pokemon

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