Chapter 1

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 Nyla was so focus on looking outside the café's window that she didn't realizes someone took a seat in front of her.

"Well, aren't you going to say hello." The new arrive blond hair women greet.

The reddish brown hair girl jump a little, she smile sheepishly. "Sorry about that sis."

"It okay." She waved it off. "When did you arrive?"

"Yesterday actually." she informed her sister.

"So how was it? Kanto?"

Nyla eyes brighten up and start telling all her journey in Kanto. Her sister listen to all her experience meeting the pokemon and the trainers that she battle. It make her kind of jealous at her enthusiasm.

"How 'bout you sis? Anything interesting happen?" the younger ask snapping the blond out of her thought.

"There is actually. I found this two very interesting but opposite trainers."

Nyla frown, "How so?"

 The blond chuckle, "One of them care about his pokemon and love them the way they are. While the other one didn't even care to even bond with his pokemon but surprising enough some of his pokemon accept his method and loyal to him."

"Wow, that one way to describe opposite attract." Nyla mused.

 "Isn't it remind you of any tales?" the blond ask mischievously knowing her little sister interest in all tales of legendary pokemon.

 The girl roll her eye with a hint of smile, "You mean Dialga and Palkia right? When every life meet another life something will be born. That one of quotes that written at the stone pallet right."

She laugh at her little sister antique, "Did you order anything for me?"

 "Yup, I order a cup of tea and strawberry shortcake. Who know how long I'll stuck waiting for you to even choose your drink let alone dessert?"

 The blond sweat drop, "Sorry about that. They all just look so delicious and I can't resist it?" She reason. "Oh by the way, where your partners in crime?"

 Nyla look away from the waitress that just arrive with ordered foods and drinks, "They are over there." She point toward the display that full of desserts that have Pikachu and Eevee drooling all over.

 She sigh, "I swear they learn it from you. They been like that the moment we step inside the café."

"Don't blame them. It really look good."

 "Yeah, yeah." She amusedly dismissed her sister and look at her pokemon, "Hey you two, come 'ere. Foods arrived."

 Both of the pokemon hurriedly toward their trainer and climb up her shoulder and saw a very appetizing looking chocolate moist cake.

 Nyla use the fork and cut small piece of the cake and offer it to Pikachu which it gladly take accept and happily munch it. Eevee rub Nyla cheek showing that it her turn which she gladly bribed it.

 The blond watch the interaction between those three and smile, "Why didn't continue your journey in Sinnoh? You stop on my third badge and fly to Kanto to learn more about pokemon with Professor Oak, right?"

 The girl offer her pokemon the fork to eat it themselves which they happily accept, "That's right and I was thinking about that actually. That's why I come back. There also another reason, I don't know why, but I just have bad feeling that something going to happen."

 The oldest watch as her little sister frown in worried, she pat her head and offer her a smile. "Don't worry, everything going to be fine. Even if there is, there's nothing to worry about because we've you." She joked causing both of them to laugh.

 The clatter sound stop them and they look at the source and saw both Pikachu and Eevee lay sighing in relief holding their stomach. All the cake have been eaten by both of them making the trainers laugh at their antique.

"Well, there goes all the cake. Sorry that they eat yours to sis." Nyla smile sheepishly.

 "It's okay, as long as they happy I'm happy. Now what should I order?" the blond look at the menu and start pointing the cake that she want but then change her mind for another one.

 Nyla sweat drop, she lean against her elbow and smile. "I guess we'll going to be here for long time. Thanks you two." She look at both pokemon who guiltily scratch their head. 

A/N: I'm sorry but i just can't stop myself. I also apologize if this isn't for readers liking. Please leave some comment if you could guess who the main character sister is...

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