"Hello class. Remember how I told you last week that we would have a recap test soon? Well that test is today. I hope you studied well. Good marks are what is wanted, bad marks... you'll have an after school detention today." Our teacher said and she came round handing out test papers.

I mentally cursed at myself for not doing any studying at all and I don't even have much of an excuse. I had perfect amounts of time at breaks in between practicing.

"Ok, no talking for the hour. When you're finished, check through your answers thoroughly then wait until the end. You may begin." She said and we all started.

Pythagoras, a²+b²=c², this shit's easy. And now the history section, yay. What happened in 1066? The Battle of Hastings duh. How were soldiers in the trenches affected in WW1? Could this be any easier? Trench foot, dead bodies, unclean water, rats, the list can go on.
Science! What does the cell wall do in a plant cell? Keeps the structure of the cell. What is the equation for kinetic energy? KE=½mv². Final question~ Spell the word that means very confused. Ahh I love this word, 'Discombobulated'. And, done! Phew.

I checked my answers through and smiled then glanced at the clock, 5 minutes remaining.

"Alright class, well done for sitting quietly through the hour. You have 30 minutes break now so you can get the stress out of your system. I'll mark them for last lesson. Class dismissed." She said and we all walked out.

I walked into the bathroom and when I came out of the stall the 3 girls were stood there.
"How can I help?" I asked with raised eyebrows, I actually can't be bothered.
"You're Wolfy right? The disgrace in that horrible group?" The bitchiest bitch in the bitchy gang, Lily, asked.

"You can call me a disgrace but don't you dare say anything about my family." I said getting angry.
"Oh so you are that thing. Ya know, who is it again? Oh yeah Rap Monster. He's the ugliest person I've seen in my entire life." She said, getting closer to me with every word. Keep it together Eunmi, don't lose your shit.

"Are you sure you aren't looking in a mirror when you describe him?" I asked as I clenched my jaw.
"Are you talking back to me?" Lily placed a hand over her heart. "Who do you think you are to do that? You're nothing but an unworthy, useless, piece of shit." She said and I officially lost it. Please forgive me for my sins.
"You bitch." I seethed and launched myself at her. She dodged my attack and ran out of the toilets, her minions following.

When I walked out I was harshly pushed into a locker. I groaned as my back hit the metal but soon lunged out and got Lily in a headlock. There was a crowd gathering round as we fought but no one was saying anything, all silent.
"Don't say anything about my family you bitch." I said and she threw me off her and to the floor. She was about to punch me but I caught her fist and punched her instead.
"Now now, can't ever be good seeing an idol getting into fights. I wonder what those ugly members of yours would think, hmm?" She teased and I hit her directly on the face.

"Hey!! Break it up!" Someone shouted and the crowd parted for the principal.
"You two, come with me." He ordered and we got up off the floor and followed him.

Sat on the chairs in the principals office, Lily and I both knew we were fucked.
"Now, I am giving you both a detention tomorrow lunch. You can go home now and get your cuts and what not cleaned. But I do not want this behaviour from any of you again!" He shouted and I flinched, keeping my head down. "Am I understood?" He asked.
"Yes sir." We both said.
"You may leave." He said and we both left.

Lily pushed me up against the wall and roughly traced a small cut on my lip with her thumb.
"You bitch, it's all your fault." She said and punched my face one last time before walking away. I fell to the floor with a groan then waited a few minutes before standing up and walking to the main entrance.

Heartbeat - The 8th Member [DISCONTINUED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant