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Hey guys, I just wanna start off by apologizing that I haven't updated in a while. I wrote a longish chapter so hopefully that can make up for it? Ok ilysm!

Part 3

Yvonne's POV:

"Wake up Allison!" I said to her, continuously poking at her rib cage. "Ughhhh what do you wantttt?" She asks, still half a sleep. "The flight attendant is coming around with the little drink cart. Do you want anything?" I ask her. "Uh probably a coffee." She replies, wanting to be awake. "Ok." I say to her as I continue reading The Fault in Our Stars. "Hello ladies. Would you like anything to drink?" The flight attendant asked us nicely. "Uh yes. Could we have a Coke and a coffee?" I ask her. "Yes, here's the coke.... And here is the coffee." She says, handing us our drinks. I notice Emmie and Gabby get iced teas. "Emmie, this is going to be so fun!!!" I over hear Gabby saying to Emmie. I decide to put my book down and watch a movie. I tap on the little screen in front of me and scroll through the various movies. I settle on Divergent, and plug in a pair of headphones.

"Wanna watch with me?" I ask Allison. "Yeah, lemme find my headphones." She says, scanning through her purse. "Ok. Press play in 3...2...1...NOW!" Allison said, as we started to watch in sync. "Allison, I gotta go to the bathroom- let's pause it real quick." I say, as we pause the screens. I get up and walk to the bathroom behind us. "Ummm hi. Are you Yvonne?" I hear a voice asking from behind. I turn around and see a girl who looks like she's about 9. "Yes I am sweetie. How did you know?" I ask her bending down. "Well umm... I watch the voice a lot and umm.. I saw who was going to be on this season... So.. Umm.. Ya." She says to me. "Well that's me!" I say to her. "You know, I'm going to California and I'm getting front row seats one day to see the Voice. Maybe you will preform that day." She shyly says. "Aww that's fun. I'll keep an eye out." I say, giving her a hug. I use the bathroom and walk back. I tell Allison what happened with the little girl, and she thinks it's adorable. I look at the time, and decide I'll go to sleep 20 minutes after the movie ends. When the movie ends, I read my book for a little bit, then play Candy Crush on my phone for a little bit. I look at the time, and realize it's been an extra 10 minutes, so I put my phone in my purse and pull out my little neck pillow and put it around my neck, and lay my legs on top of Allison's. "What do you think your doing?" She asks me. "I'm tired so I'm sleeping. Goodnight." I say, as I think about our lives after The Voice as I slowly drift off.

Emmie's POV:

Allison and Yvonne fall asleep, but

Gabby and I decide to pull an all

nighter and watch re-runs of The

Voice that they have on the plane.

"Ughh how much longer until we get

there?" Gabby asks. I pull out my

phone. "Well we should actually-" I

begin to say but am cut off by the

flight attendant over the loud

speaker."Ladies and Gentlemen, we

will be arriving in California in 10

minutes. I would ask of you to

please turn off all electronic

devices." She says. "There's your

answer." I say to Gabby. We both

turn off our phones, and see that

Allison and Yvonne are doing the

same thing. I guess they must've

woke up when the flight attendant

came in the loud speaker.

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