Sweet Dreams

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Part 12:

Allison's POV:

"What the freak? Who's X?" I ask.

"I have no idea. But we have to find out." Emmie replies.

"Ok guys I dunno if this is a bad time or not... But OH MY GOSH THIS IS JUST LIKE PRETTY LITTLE LIARS!!!!" Gabby squeals.

"Bad time." Emmie and I agree.

We quickly run to get some Clorox wipes, and wipe the messages off.

"Ok we have to agree to not tell anyone." Emmie demands.

"Agreed." Gabby and I blurt out at the same time.

"What was all that screaming?" Niall asks, rubbing his eyes.

"Ummm... Well you see Emmie here just got her first period and--" I lie.

"HEY." Emmie pouts.

"Ok, well I'm not trying to be rude but can you keep your screaming down to an inside voice?" Niall mumbled, walking back to the pull-out.

"So we can't tell anyone?" Gabby asks.
"No one." I say.
"Not even Ni-"
"NO! He'll just get really worried about you and probably tell the other boys." I reply. I know it must kill her for her to not be able to tell her boyfriend, like it does for me. But like I said to Gabby, the boys would freak out and tell each other. The last thing we need is bad publicity.

"Well I'm gonna go back to bed so I'll see you girls in the morning." Emmie yawns, walking to her room.

"I can't fall back asleep." I say to Gabby.

"Me neither." She replies.

We stay up drawing on Niall's face, and having a Hannah Montana marathon, because we both loved that show when we were little. After we get tired of watching Hannah Montana for three straight hours, we decide people will start getting up soon, and turn on Gabby's favorite girl band, Fifth Harmony, and start making breakfast. We decide to make eggs (for the crazy people who like eggs), pancakes, waffles (since Gabby will refuse to eat pancakes), and bacon. The bacon starts sizzling and Niall shoots up like a rocket.

"IS THAT BACON?" He squeals.
"Aww my baby's fangirling over bacon." Gabby coos, walking up to kiss him.

"WOAH WOAH WOAH LET'S KEEP IT PG." I scream, covering my eyes, making everyone laugh.

Everyone gets up and eats, and we decide to do a little rehearsal at home.

"So what song should we sing this week?" Yvonne asks.

"Hmm..." We all think.


"But none of us are rappers." Emmie points out.

"How about BO$$ by Fifth Harmony?" I ask.

"Yassss!" Everyone chimes in.
We go through the song, and decide who will sing what part. We rehearse a bit, and then we all have a Vampire Diaries marathon, having to force Niall to at least one episode. We all end up falling asleep, until Jenna wakes us up.

"We should probably make dinner now." She says, while everyone pulls their phones out and checks the time. 6:45. We all get up and make dinner.


After dinner, I text Harry to tell him goodnight. I had such a fun, lazy day with the girls (and Niall), until I get a text.

"Sweet dreams! -X."

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