Dates, Movies, and Water balloons

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Part 7:

Gabby's POV:

"I dare you to go on a date with me." The words haunt me for a minute. Niall is staring at me intently.
Niall and I aren't technically in a relationship, but I want to be, and I think he does, too. It's a dare, so he'd understand, right?

"....umm..." I say, looking at Niall. He nods at me, and I hope he understands.

"...sure........." I say, softly. I see Calum perk up, and I can tell he's happy.

"Dang, I need to go so I can get ready for later, so I think we should go now..." Emmie says, breaking the awkward silence.

"Yeah we should probably go. Harry want to come over for a movie?" Allison asks.

"I'd love to, love." He says, smiling, as he gets up.

Calum gets up to go to the bathroom, so I invite Niall to tag along, and with that, the 6 of us leave.

When we get home (well, the hotel suite, which I guess has become like our home), we give them a little tour.

"So, what movie should we watch?" Harry asks, plopping down on the couch.

"I dunno.... What do you guys wanna watch?" I ask.

"Ooh can we watch The Fault in Our Stars, pleaseeee????" Allison begs.

"It's up to our guests, Allison." I say, sounding like a parent.

"Yeah sure. I heard it was really good." Niall agrees.

"Ok. It's probably On-Demand." I say, turning the TV on.

Emmie walks out of her room, wearing a bathing suit cover-up, which I'm assuming has a bathing suit underneath. Her hair was crimped, and she looked really pretty.

"How do I look?" Emmie asks Allison and I.

"You look gorgeous!" Allison says, and I nod my head in agreement.

"Thank you. Allison, could you do me a favor and make something? We are having a picnic on the beach." Emmie asks.

"Yeah sure!" Allison happily says.

Emmie walks back into her room, and I go to On-Demand, and search The Fault in Our Stars.

"Are you sure you guys want to watch this? It's kind of a girly movie..." I whisper, not wanting Allison overhear, since she wanted to watch it so bad.

"Yeah, I don't mind." Harry says.
"Me neither." Niall agrees.

I rent the movie, and play it. Allison finishes Emmie's picnic food, then makes us 2 bags of popcorn. Allison walks over, and we continue watching.

When the movie is over, I discover Niall's arm is around me, and Harry's is around Allison. Yvonne sees us, and takes a picture, without us looking, but I saw her out of the corner of my eyes.

"Hey guys, I'm going out." Yvonne says, heading for the door.
Allison shoots up, and blocks the door.

"Woah woah woah. Where do you think you're going?" Allison demands.

"Out." Yvonne says, trying to get past her.

"With...?" Allison asks.

"Louis." Yvonne says, trying to get past her again.

"Be back by 10 pm." Allison says, letting her past.

"Ok, mom." Yvonne sarcastically agrees, leaving.

"Hey guys, I'm leaving now. I'll be back before...9:30ish?" She asks, looking at her phone. It's 5:15 now, so that gave her plenty of time.

"Yeah, sounds good. Just remember something," I say.

"Which is...?" Emmie questions.

"Don't have TOO much fun." I say, making everyone laugh.

"Will do." Emmie says, leaving.

"Hey Gabby, can I ask you something?" Niall says, looking at me.

"You just did," I state, giggling a bit. "But yeah, anything."

"So um... I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?" He asks me. In my mind I'm jumping up and down, doing cartwheels, and cheering. In real life, I simply say,

Allison's POV:

Gabby tells me what happened, about how now Niall is her boyfriend. Maybe Harry will ask me to be his girlfriend.

"OOH! Ni- let's go see if we can see Emmie and Luke from the balcony!" Gabby squeals, grabbing Niall's hand and running to the balcony door.

"Want to be my girlfriend?" Harry asks me. Wow. That was straight forward.
"Of course!" I giggle, kissing him on the cheek.
I lay on the couch with him for a little while, until I'm waken up by Harry playing with my hair. I think he was trying to braid it, but now it's just a tangled mess.
"Sorry.... I was just..." Harry starts.
"It's ok, baby." I say kissing him, when I hear Gabby gasp.

"We were outside for 15 minutes and you're already kissing?" Niall asks.

"Don't act like you weren't doing it either, Horan." Harry says, looking at him, while he and Gabby blush.

"Anyway, could you see Emmie and Luke?" I ask.

"Kinda, but they're really tiny looking." Gabby says, putting her thumb and pointer finger about 2 centimeters apart, attempting to show how small they looked.

"Where exactly were they?" I ask mischievously.

"Like right under us... Why?" Gabby questions.

"I say we should have a little fun."

Emmie's POV:

"Emmie..." Luke says. We are lying on a big beach blanket, my head on his chest.

"Yeah, Luke?" I ask.

"I know this might be too soon, but you are literally the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. Your sweet, smart, and have a great personality. I REALLY like you, and I was wondering if you would do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asks me.

"Luke, I know it might sound weird, but I've liked you ever since I was in sixth grade. I heard about you and the boys, and instantly loved you, so of course I'll be your girlfriend." I say smiling at him.
He blushes, while we look up at the beautiful sunset.

"Um... Do you mind if I take a picture of us?" Luke asks me, unsure.

"Of course not." I respond.

"Just the fans, and I don't want you to get any hate..." Luke says, pulling out his phone. He kisses my cheek, and I look at him and smile. It's actually a really cute picture.

I look as he captions the photo, "my girl" with a kissing face emoji, and posts it on Instagram.

"NOW!!" I faintly hear someone scream, and all of a sudden, Luke and I have water and water balloon pieces all over us.

"GABRIELLE I WILL KILL YOU!!!" I shouted to the balcony, crowded with people who just threw balloons at us.

"Hey, it was all of us." Gabby says, gesturing to the rest of the people up there.

"WHATEVER! YOU STILL RUINED OUR DATE!!" I scream back, angry. I had finally gotten a date with the boy of my dreams, the boy I had loved since before he knew I existed, and they messed it all up for me.

"Would this help?" Luke begins, as he leans in and kisses me. It was a long kiss, and I felt as if there were fireworks going off. I just hope he felt the same.

Hey guys, I hope you like the story so far. I would really appreciate it if you all could get me to 100 views! You guys are the best, and thanks for reading!! Ilysm :*

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