A/n Questions from the author

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Hi, everyone, Woofles here.

Now, Im sure some of you are still waiting on the next chapter, and I swear It will be here soon (writing with ADHD aint easy), I wanted to ask a couple of questions to improve my stories.

Now, You dont have to answer any of these questions, Heck, ignore this note if you want, but most of the answers given will help me improve, and Ill be able to give a better experience in my writing.

My questions are:

1. Is the story progressing at an ok speed? I dont want to jump straight into the romance, so I try to hold back and think story wise.

2. How soon do you prefer the romance to start? Like I said, jumping straight in isn't something Im a fan of. However, I dont want my readers to read a bunch of chapters before they get to the stuff they want to get to.

3. Do you mind the Special Chapters? Such as the random Song fic and the Valentines Day specials. Like I said, I have ADHD, so I tend to get distracted quite easily, and writing small one shots like those are some of my distractions.

4. Are you ok with the OC inclusion? Would you perfer it if Maria was removed at least for a little while? Or do you perfer her there, even if shes a bit of a distraction? The main reason I have her is so she acts like a plot device, so I have some way to keep the story moving.

5. Has the story been enjoyable so far? How satisfied are you so far?

And finally,

6. Is there something I could improve upon? My flame for writing is literally an ember at this point, but I want the bonfire it used to be back. Nowing what do improve may help do so.

Thank you so much for asking any of these questions, again, you are not required to.

Before I go, I also want to say a HUGE THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR LOVE! I now my update speed is trash, but with life happening, its something nound to happen. Anyway, please take care, and have a great life.



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