The Mansion

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"I think it should be up ahead." A young woman named (Y/n) told her best friend, Luigi, the not as well know Mario brother. 

(Y/n) and Luigi had been friends long before the bros got their fame as the popular Mario bros. So when Luigi needed help finding his brother, who went to check out the mansion his younger brother had won, there was no doubt that Luigi went to her first.

"I think I a-see it!" Luigi exclaimed. Looking up, (Y/n) saw a very creepy looking mansion, complete with old, decayed trees and crows. "Um, are you sure this is the right place, Weegee?" She asked, slightly creeped out by the state of the place. "It looks nothing like the letter."

Shrugging his shoulders, Luigi walked over, lightly shivering in fear, his hand shaking the flashlight in his hand. You passed the outhouse looking shack in the front and headed to the gate. Giving it a good shove, Luigi opened the gate and held it open for you. Nodding your head as a silent "Thank you" as you walked up the door to the mansion. Opening it, you shone your light inside.

Walking in, you and Luigi found yourselves in a foyer. There were was a grand staircase, a door in between the stairs, a seemingly dark magic covering it. Three doors were above. A chandelier hung from the ceiling. Something was covered near the stairs. Spider webs were scattered around.

"Huh. It looks like it needs some work, but other than that it seems liveable." (Y/n) stated. As you started walking up the stairs, Luigi yelled out. "MARIO! YOU HERE, BRO!?"

No answer. 

"Maybe he's further in." You suggested as you tried to open the middle door on the second floor. Shaking it, you were surprised to find it locked. "That's strange." You said as you tried the other doors. 

"Maybe the key's downstairs." That was when you heard a yelp from the lower level.

 Running over to the top of the staircase, you saw Luigi cowering at the sight of a bright golden key floating in the air with a yellow, almost ghost-like aura surrounding it.

Wait, WHAT!?

You did a double take as the key dropped to the ground and the yellow aura started going up the stairs, heading straight for you! You ducked in time as it charged at you before going through the middle door.

 "(Y/n)! Are y-you o-ok!?" Luigi inquired as he scrambled up the stairs, key in hand. "Yea, I'm fine, Luigi." You said as you straighten yourself out.

 Looking at the key in his hand and then the door the thing as gone through, you looked Luigi in the eyes as to say, "Should we?" He got the message and nodded, walking up to the door and unlocking it. Slowly walking in, you guys found yourselves in what seemed like a parlor. 

Tiptoeing in, Luigi looked around, but not before a yellow ghost screamed in his face. He started to back up, shielding you from the Golden Ghost. However, before it could take a swing at either of you, the ghost started being vacuum away. That's when you finally noticed the old man that was also in the room.

He was short, light skinned with the normal wrinkles you see on elders and was trying hard to vacuum up the ghost with a strange machine strapped to his back. However, the ghost was seemingly stronger than he, and started dragging the man around the room. Working on his instincts, Luigi grabbed your arm and hid behind the covered table in the room.

The ghost suddenly stopped in the middle of the room, causing the elder man to fly towards it. It punched him away, sending him harshly onto the floor in front of the door to the entrance. The ghost gave a laugh that sounded quite a lot like mocking before it vanished into thin air.

"Are you ok, sir?" You asked as you walked to the older male's side, helping him up onto his feet. "Ooof... I sure take a lot of knocks in this line of work. I'm getting too old for this ghost catching tomfoolery." He groaned as he looked up at you and Luigi. "Either way, nice to meet you. I'm Professor E. Gadd."

"This house... it seems to have more and more ghosts each day!" He grunted as he looked around the room. "What are you fellas doing around here, anyhoo?" He asked, turning to you.

But before Luigi could answer him, the ghost came back...

With two of his friends!

"Uh-oh, This looks ugly!" The elder man exclaimed. The ghosts went in for the attack, but before you three could run, a light shone out, causing all three ghosts to look as though shocked, hearts exposing in the middle of their chests, before all three started getting vacuumed at the same time. That's when you notice the door in the back of the parlor was opened, and in the frame stood a much younger girl, who had what seemed like an exact copy of the machine the older man had strapped to her back as well. She was making small tugs as she pulled all three ghosts towards her, a look of determination on her face.

The three ghosts stood no chance against her. Other than dragging her out to the middle of the room, all three were promptly sucked up, the force of it sending the girl to the floor. "Oof. That hurt." She said as she eventually got up. E. Gadd, however, seemed to be beaming with pride. "Good job, champ. But we should really get out of here." He said as more laughter from ghosts sounded out. "Alright, youngsters, look lively. Follow me, posthaste!" He commanded as he started herding all three of you out.


Ok then, that's done. Hope you enjoyed! remember to leave a comment!

Not that you have to, of course.

Something Strange (Luigi x Reader) (Luigi's Mansion)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora