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Edit on 6/26/19: Cleaned up some grammar mistakes while getting ready to work on the next chapter.


"You know, this foyer looks much better with the lights on," Maria stated as the three of you entered the haunted mansion once again. You couldn't help but sigh. It was one thing to have to find Mario in a mansion full of dangerous ghosts, but having a jerk of a wild card with you will only make this harder.

"Um... so where do you-a think this key goes?" Luigi asked. Looking at the key and thinking you tried your best to think of which door it could go to.

While walking back to the mansion, Luigi had shown you the pink key he and Maria had obtained after defeating Chauncey. It was pink, with its handle shaped into a heart.

"I'm guessing the big door with the heart shape on it."

Turning to Maria, you noticed she was pointing towards the door between the stairs. Giving it a good look, you realized the two doors formed a heart marking when closed.

"Ah. Right." You said, slightly embarrassed. Smirking a bit, Maria looked at Luigi and held her hand out. "May I?"

Luigi nodded and set the key on her hand. Gripping it tightly, Maria walked over to the doors and stood in front of them for a few seconds. Sure enough, the prickly vines that covered them retracted, disappearing quickly.

Maria turned and crossed her arms, the same smug smile on her face. "Shall we?"

You mumbled under your breath as you walked through the door, Maria 'kindly' holding it open.

Behind the door was a pretty normal hallway. Looking at the map, you noted the layout. It was an almost perfect sideways H, and geez, there were a bunch of rooms.

Too bad only one was opened.

"Jeez, these ghosts really like their privacy, don't they?" You grumbled to Maria and Luigi as you started towards the unlocked room, not taking your eyes off the map.

Suddenly, you felt yourself get shoved back as two ghost bats just barely missed hitting you. Turning your head around, you found yourself staring into two annoyed purple eyes.

"Hey, kid? I get that you want to find this Mario guy, but you should at least watch where you're going." Maria scolded you as she let go of your shirt. Walking past you, she turned the corner to the next hallway.

Turning to Luigi, you mouthed a "Huh?". He simply shrugged before motioning to follow her.

Walking through the hallway, avoiding the ghosts of small mice and barely dodging a couple of bats, turning the corner to the next, you found Maria waiting for the two of you in front of the door. "Well, shall we?" She asked as she opened the door.

Inside was a bathroom. "Why would ghosts need a bathroom?" Luigi asked out loud as he followed you in. Looking around, the three of you checked for any possible clues. Maria checked the shower tub, you looked around the sink and Luigi examined the shelf.

After a few seconds of searching, you could hear Maria curse under her breath. "Luigi, dude. I get you're scared and all, but can you not grab my shoulders so hard? Your hands are freezing."

A weird look spread across your face. What in the world?

Peeking around the corner of the half wall dividing the tub and the sink, you froze as you noticed Luigi in the corner, staring at a strange ghost holding onto Maria.

The ghost was long and white, two arms being it's only limbs, with a fin-like horn sticking out from its head. Its yellow eyes bore into the base of Maria's neck, its large, gaping mouth breathing heavy, its fangs seemingly ready to strike at any moment.

Something Strange (Luigi x Reader) (Luigi's Mansion)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz