The Paintings

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Edit: Added the fight scene of reader against the ghost. Nothing epic, just something simple.


"This is as far as I'll go," Maria stated at the stairs to the entrance. "You're not coming?" You couldn't help but ask her.

"Look, as much as I do want to help you, my gramps told me to simply bring you to the mansion and head back. He may be wrong of me not being able to help you, but he's the boss."

"W-we can c-call you if a-we need anything, r-right?" Luigi stumbled as he looked up at the mansion. Patting his shoulder, Maria turned on her heel and headed back to the Lab.

Looking at each other, you and Luigi gulped and turned back to the entrance. "Well, here we go..." You whispered as you put your hand on the knob and opened the door.

The first thing you noticed was that it was a bit darker in the foyer. That, and there was a crying toad near the right staircase.

Going up to him, you could hear him blubber on about Mario. However, the moment he looked up and noticed the two of you he jumped up and happily yelled," WAAA! Luigi, (Y/n)! There's still hope!"

"Toad! What are you doing here!?" You grunted as you managed to pry yourself from his grip.

"Well, Princess Peach asked me to come here and find Mario. He left when he heard that Luigi won a mansion, and he never returned. Then when I arrived here, this place was full of ghosts and I couldn't find Mario. I kinda freak out a little and didn't know what to do!" He explained as his eyes started to well up with tears. You felt sort of bad for the poor guy. After all, pretty much all Toads were cowards. Patting his back, you gave him a small hug to try and calm him down.  The Toad started wailing again, before begging you and Luigi to help him.

"Hey, calm down. We'll a-find Mario!" Luigi exclaimed, trying his best to sound brave. "Waa! Th-thanks Luigi!" Toad exclaimed as he finally calmed down. Suddenly, the lights in the foyer turned on.

Leaving Toad where he was, the pair of you headed up the stairs and back into the parlor. Walking inside the small room, you noticed there were quite some coins laying around.

"That's strange. Well, money for us I guess." You noted as you started sucking up all the coins.

Looking around both you and Luigi were surprised with how much money hiding around. "Wowie! These-a ghosts are loaded!" Luigi exclaimed excitedly as he picked up the money that fell in front of the painting parallel to the door. However, while doing so, he also took out the flames around it.

Suddenly, the darkness in the room seemed to become heavier as a voice cried out angrily," Who put out my candles!?" Squeaking in surprise, Luigi fell back as you both realized the voice came from the same painting as where the candles were.

"You, Mr. Lime-Green?" The first painting growled.

"Well, dark rooms are dangerous around here... yesss..." The painting to the left chuckled creepily.

"THEY love the dark... and now THEY will get you!!! Bloo-heh." The one next to it exclaimed.

"Now you're in for it! Blugh-huh!" The one parallel to the third yelled.

"Just like little Red-Cap before you..." The fifth whispered darkly.

"May you wander lost in the darkness...forever!" The first cried.

At this point, Luigi was holding on to you for dear life. The first painting chuckled. "Are you AFRAID of the dark, little man. Are you? Huh?" It hooted.

"I...I..." Luigi stuttered in fear.

"Blah-hah! Here THEY are now!" It cried as the room completely darken and prickly vines wrapped around both exits. Three Golden Ghosts jumped out, laughing evilly as they charged for you and Luigi.

While Luigi quivered in fear at the ghosts, you were quick on your feet, doing the same things E. Gadd had taught you back in the Lab. 

You shone the first ghost, stunning it before you started trying to suck it into your Poltergust. It started to panic, dragging you around the room in an attempt to get you loose. However, you kept a tight grip on your vacuum, and manage to nag it before it got away. 

You did the same to the same to the other two, and aside from also getting punched in the gut, you got out fine.

Soon enough, the room light up, a chest containing a key appearing in front of you.

Grabbing it, you turned to the green brother, then noticed how horribly pale he looked. He was shaking, tears starting to prick at his eyes. "Woah, you ok there, Weegee?" You asked as you put your hand on his shoulder affectionately. Suddenly, he let out a loud cry, grabbing his head and running out the door and going outside, screaming and crying all the way.

Running after him, you ran past Toad, who was once again looking scared and worried. Ignoring him, you ran after the green plumber.

Finding him outside, crying, you chased after him before catching him in front of the Lab's shack entrance. He fell to his knees, sobbing and blubbering as he held on to you, burying his face into your shoulder.

"T-t-they got him! They a-got Mario!" Luigi sobbed. You sighed and hugged him tightly. You always knew how easily Luigi could fall into a hysteric panic attack.

"I-I-I can't do this! I'm not Mario! I couldn't even help you with three ghosts!" He blubbered.

"Hey, Weegee, it's going to be ok, we-"


"HEY! Don't you dare say that!" You stop him. "Everything is going to be fine! We'll find Mario, get rid of these ghosts, then we'll-"

"Wow, four minutes and twenty-six seconds. I was expecting you two to last longer."

Looking at the door to the shack, you noticed Maria leaning in the frame, arms crossed.

You growled and open your mouth to snap at her, but she simply put her hand up, as to say, "Don't bother," before walking over to you and Luigi.

She tapped the crying plumber on his shoulder, causing him to turn and look at her, eyes red and tears still flowing.

"Hey. Why are you here again?" She grumbled.

Sniffing, Luigi answered, "T-to find Mario."

"Are you willing to do anything for him?"

"O-of course! He's my bro..." Luigi mumbled.

"And (Mispronounced Y/n)-"

"(Y/n.)" He grumbled, visibly annoyed at the mispronunciation.

"Right, whatever," Maria grumbled. "Are you forcing her to be here with you?"

"Of-of course not!" Luigi retorted.

"Then what the hell are you crying about? You're out here to find your brother, who you obviously love to the stars and back. And you're going up against what, a bunch of dusty ghosts who have nothing better to do than scare people? Not to mention you have a great friend here ready to help you, no matter what. Come on, calm down, dude." Maria finished before letting out a yawn.

"I...I..." Luigi stuttered as he tried to find the right words.

You were in awe. You never expected the grumpy girl to be so reasonable.

"You... you're right! I have nothing to fear! Let's a-go, (Y/n)!" Luigi declared confidently as he ran back towards the mansion."

"Luigi, wait!" You called to him. "Better watch him. He'll have that boost for a while before realizing the stupid decision he just made, running in there, his head in the clouds." Maria grumbled before once again yawning and walking down to the lab.

Watching her retreating form, you couldn't help but see some sort of light in the girl. Smiling, you rushed back towards the mansion, chasing after the green-capped hero.

Edit: I edited out a lot of grammar mistakes. 

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