Let go

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I wanna know what it would be like to finally just let go.
I'm tired of fighting for air.
I'm always drowning for people.
It may just be easier to drown.
I've been fighting for so long.
And I'm always screaming.
But nobody hears.
I scream at the world for help
And then at myself to shut up.
I don't want to inconvenience anyone
So I've locked it all away.
I'm drowning in my emotions.
I'm being crushed under the worlds expectations of me.
I just want it all to stop but I see no way out.
If I stop fighting, I'll inconvenience someone.
But if I keep fighting, I'll inconvenience someone.
I see no way past this.
I can never win.
I just want the world to stop,
And I just want to disappear.

Quotes and Poems, Etc.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora