A girl

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There was once a girl
She loved everything and everyone
She always forgave their sins
And held her arms open wide.

But people took advantage of that
She didn't notice
Not until the one she had fallen for decided to take advantage of her also.

When she realized what they had done
It was too late
Her heart had been broken
And her mind had been destroyed

She's hollow now
Nothing but an empty shell
She acts out because she has nothing else
And she hurts people because she was hurt

This is what you do to her
You made her give into the demons
The demons that taunt us all
The ones who bring us down

You just sped along the process
Good job you fucking bastard
You ruined her
And her life

Now she's leaving this world
Leaving all behind
All she wishes for is something better
Better than the hell she's now living

I tell you this now
Because I wanted you to know
Just how your actions truly hurt
And what can happen from them

I despise you
Because you hurt her and made her leave this world.
But at least she's in a better place.
Far away from you.

Goodbye bastard
This is the end
That's all I wanted to say to you
Have fun ruining people's lives
It's what you seem to be good at.

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