Once Again

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Once again you've done the impossible

You've unlocked my heart

You've broken down the door with no handle

You've done what no one else could

I can't believe

You did the same thing 3 years ago

But you hurt me so I closed it

And now you've done it

Once again

you've done what everyone believed could not be done

I thank you for caring enough

For kicking down that door

For sitting down next to me

After your friends were jerks to you

When you kept trying to talk to me

Well you and Another

Because all my other 'friends' stopped trying

So I thank you

for continually tearing down my walls and many, many doors

To get to me

And now I'm going to return the favor.

Until your wall stays down like mine are starting to,

Until you once again push open that door you've closed,

I promise I will do what you did for me

I will become a storm so strong

Your doors and walls will not stand

Okay Yin.

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