Chapter 74- Xavier

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However, I shifted into human form, grateful that I had worn the pants the Guardsmen wore. "Cass?" I asked, breaking the moment between the two of them.

They both looked at me, and my heart broke when I saw what looked like fear flashed through her eyes.

Cass twisted onto her stomach and got up on all fours. She flicked her ears to the side of her head and lowered it, watching me.

I hesitated and took a step forward, praying that she wouldn't move.

However, my prayers weren't answered, and she quickly bounded away, heading into the direction of the pack house.

My heart broke, but I felt a small twinge of hope because she had run towards the packhouse and not away from it like I thought.

"Xavier," the king said, and I looked at him. He offered me a small smile and nodded his head. Worry filled his eyes, and I knew that he had no idea what was going to happen. "Go after her," he said.

I nodded my head and did what I was told to do. I went after my mate, praying that she would stay.


"Damn it. Shit," I heard my mate say when I pushed the door open to reveal her in a sports bra and a pair of short shorts. Her back was facing me, and she was trying to open something, but her hands were shaking so bad. "Shit," she said again.

Slowly, I closed the door and the soft click caused her to stiffen but not move. "Cass," I breathed out, my heart pounding in my chest. I took another step in her direction and watched her twist around until she was facing me.

Her gray eyes were wide and filled with fear but hope. Her lips were parted, and I saw a little bit of dried blood on the corner of her mouth, but I didn't care. She was still beautiful, even if she was dangerous. She was mine.

"Cass," I breathed out, my heart pounding in my chest. I lowered my head a little and studied her, watching her gulp. I stopped in front of her, and she looked up, meeting my gaze.

She didn't say a word, but I didn't care because she was here in front of me. Her scent filled my nose and soothed my wolf, a scent so addicting that I couldn't get enough of it. Thump, thump, thump. Her heart pounded hard in her chest, matching pace with mine.

She was nervous, I could tell, but so was I. I had no idea what I was to do now, not knowing if she would still want me as a mate or if she thought that I was something dangerous, too dangerous to save.

Slowly, I reached out and took the thing from her, knowing full well that my hands were steadier than hers. I brushed my fingers against hers and sparks appeared, stronger than they had been while Camen was alive.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she let me take the thing from her. Still, she stayed silent and watched me with that deer in the light look, and I prayed that I would never see it again in her eyes when she looked at me.

Breaking eye contact first, I looked at the thing in my hands and noticed that it was a huge band-aid looking thing with holes every so often filled with something. I stayed silent when I looked back up at her and waited for her to explain what it did and how I needed to help her.

"Oh, ummm..." She cleared her throat and licked her lips, looking away. "You open it like a band-aid," she said. "After that, can you put it on my back?" She turned around and showed me claw marks that she received from Camen. "I will do the rest."

I growled protectively, hating that my mate was injured and glad that he was dead. If he wasn't, then I'd kill him myself.

Cass flinched away from me, and her heart started to pound harder in her chest. "Sorry," she breathed out. "I didn't me to flinch away from you, Alpha."

"Don't," I said, opening the package. I felt guilty that I had growled, but I couldn't help myself. I had to let it out, even though it made her flinch away from. I hadn't been able to hold it in because I hated how deep the marks were on her pale skin. "Don't call me Alpha." I placed the thing on her skin, making sure to cover the whole area.

"Ok," Cass whispered. She twisted around and grabbed something before she started to pop the little balls, letting the medication flow into her system. "It's a quick fix in a bandage form," Cass said, noticing me watching her. She offered me a hesitant smile. "It's to make sure that the wound will heal properly, and I don't have to go see a doctor."

Hesitantly, I nodded my head, silently wondering if she should just go see the pack doctor but knowing better than to suggest it.

The urge to kiss her was strong, but I held back. I had just gotten her back, and I did not want to lose her again. I wanted to show her that she was welcomed here with me, and I didn't mean what I had said on that fateful night.

Slowly, Cass placed her hand on my cheek and leaned in, watching me. Her eyes glowed a silver color, and I grew entranced, watching them while she leaned in closer and closer until finally, her lips met mine.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ