Chapter 26

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I almost made it. I almost ran the rest of the way. I could see the finish up ahead with eleven people waiting for me. I wasn't surprised to see Dr. Trent there, knowing that Zion probably had called him after hearing that I had fallen the first time.

Xavier was standing the closest to the finish line, his arms crossed. Anxiety and worry filled his eyes, and that was the only source of any emotion.

I offered him a small smile when I caught his eye while a wave of accomplishment and exhaustion filled my body, causing me to fall to the ground.

"Wait," Zion said, and I could tell that he was grabbing Xavier's shoulder before he moved towards me. "Let her finish."

I laid my head on the ground, too weak to push myself up. I had given this my all, but it hadn't been enough. I still didn't make it.

Don't give up, I thought to myself. You can do this.

I shifted to one side and grabbed one of my new staffs. Pressing the button, I placed one end to the ground and used it to help me until I was standing.

Looking down, I slowly started to walk towards the finish line using both my staff and legs to carry my worn out body.

"Come on, Cass, you can do it," Zion encouraged. "Don't give up, now. That's not what we Guardsmen do."

"Fuck. You," I hissed, causing Zion to snort.

"Yep, she is definitely back," he muttered, causing me to look up and glare at him. He cleared his throat and submitted. He didn't say a word, but I could tell that he was pleased.

I looked back down when I almost lost my footing and walked closer and closer to the finish line. I was determined to complete the last bit of it, even if it killed me.

As soon as I crossed the finish line, I collapsed, not able to stand much longer. I closed my eyes panting, not wanting to see them and see if they were disappointed in me or not for not running the whole course.

Xavier's scent filled my nose as he pulled me to him. "Cassandra," he said, squeezing my arm and not caring that I was sweaty. "Open your eyes. Are you hurt?"

I opened my eyes and stared into Xavier's blue eyes. I took in a deep breath and smiled, not answering his question.

"Let me check her out, Alpha," Dr. Trent said, coming towards us. "Her breathing isn't normal, and neither is her heartbeat."

Xavier tightened his grasp around me and growled at an unimpressed looking Dr. Trent. He didn't say a word as he stared at the doctor that I trusted.

"You may hold her, but I need to check her out. Poor girl is overheated. You shouldn't have worn that, Cassandra."

I shrugged my shoulder but didn't reply. I knew that I shouldn't have worn sweatpants and an athletic long sleeve shirt, but I couldn't help but feel the need to cover up.

"Do you have a sports bra and shorts underneath?"

"Yes," I said.

"Good, good. Alpha, help her out of the shirt and sweatpants." He rolled his eyes when he growled. "What I have will work better if it is on her bare skin. Zion, I am going to need you to make some of that cooling agent. Use..." He seemed uncertain.

"One and one half," I said. "Of the powder. That's half of what I normally take."

"Are you sure?" Dr. Trent said, causing me to nod my head. "Do that. If we need to add more, then we can."

"Help me out of my clothes," I said, looking at Xavier, causing him to scowl but nod his head.

"Everyone is dismissed except Zion. We'll train more tomorrow," he said. "Now," he growled out.

"Yes, Alpha," they chorused and started to leave as Xavier helped me out of my clothes.

"Derek is impressed with you," Xavier muttered, pulling off my boots and my socks before taking off my pants. "He thought that you would quit the first time that you fell, but you proved him wrong."

"She is a Guardsman," Zion said, shaking the bottle of water with the powder that helps cool my body down. "If she promises something, then she will complete it no matter what the cost."

"She had to do something like this in Africa during the summer," Dr. Trent said, breaking something. "She had gotten overheated during that time and had to instruct the lower Guardsmen as to what to do." He handed something to Xavier after he took off my shirt. "Here, first one needs to go on her neck. Get her to lean against you."

"Wouldn't my body heat interact with hers and cause her to get more overheated?" he asked.

"Do as he says," I panted, closing my eyes. "He knows what he is talking about."

Xavier nodded his head and helped me into a sitting position between his legs. He placed the packet behind my neck, causing me to let out a sigh of relief as the cold caused me to shiver.

"Good," Dr. Trent said. He grabbed another one and shook it. "Put this on her back."

"Will this put her body into shock from being overheated and then cool instantly?" He placed it on my back.

"No, we have tested this already," Dr. Trent said. "It's part of Beta Omega Gamma Delta Psi to become overheated and test the process of cooling down one's body safely and quickly."

"It sucked," I mumbled. "I was stuck with idiots when I had to go through it."

"I heard that Commander was pissed. Was he?" Zion asked.

"Yes, very."

"Lift your legs up," Dr. Trent said. He placed the pack underneath my legs. "Zion, give her the drink now. Then, go to the bathroom and start an ice bath for her."

Zion nodded his head and ran to get the ice bath ready after he gave me the drink. He didn't ask any questions, knowing that it was best to do what he said.

I opened my eyes feeling slightly better and opened the drink. I took a sip of it and wrinkled my nose. "This still sucks," I said. "I thought you were going to change the taste of it."

"I tried," Dr. Trent said. He placed another one at my feet. "It didn't really work."

I grunted and nodded my head before taking another sip. I was feeling cooler and more alert, but I knew that I was going to have to get some rest.

Dr. Trent leaned back and studied me. He nodded his head, probably listening to the sound of my heartbeat and breathing. "You know the drill," he said, causing me to nod my head. "No strenuous activities until twelve hours after finishing the drink. You should be ready for tomorrow's training. You'll probably be sore no doubt, but I know you are used to it."

"You're kidding, right? You're going to let her train after this?" Xavier asked, sounding rather shocked.

"Yes," he replied, simply. "I am sure she has told you about the Frithen attack. She started training two days after she was released from the hospital. She didn't do any hard workouts, but she still trained."

"Why?" Xavier asked. "Why did she train?"

"Because," I said, shrugging my shoulder. "I hate feeling weak. Once I tried to work out with a dislocated hip. It almost healed wrong, but the twins stopped me from continuing when they saw me limping." I took another sip of the water, grimacing.

Xavier stayed silent and shook his head. "Will you listen to me if I tell you no?" he asked, causing me to shake my head. "Then finish that and then get some rest."

"Will you stay?" I asked, feeling slightly panicked that I would find myself waking up alone. "With me? While I sleep?"

"Yes," he said, without any hesitation.

I smiled as a wave of relief filled my body. I wasn't going to let Camen control me any longer, but that wouldn't stop the nightmares right off the bat.

One of these days, he wasn't going to control my dreams, causing me to scream out in fright and begging him not to hurt me, and I hoped that it would be one day soon. Hopefully, before I kill him because I was going to need all the sleep that I can get.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now