Chapter 44

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After leaving the meeting room, it had been nonstop until around eight in the evening. I had been pulled this way and that, doing the pictures with my group, as well as pranking Bryce.

Of course, I didn't make it or tell anyone to make it for me. Someone had made it for me without telling me, so I had been able to use it.

Bryce didn't make me swear not to use it, so he got covered in fake throw up that Sergio had made.

He got mad at me and got mad that I didn't get "burned" because I had broken my oath.

Commander told him that I didn't break my oath to him. He told him that I had found a loophole, something that he should have known when I didn't mention using something that someone had made without me telling them.

This left Bryce in a grumpy mood for the rest of the photoshoot, where Aunt Heidi finally got to get a good picture of me and Xavier kissing, before Uncle Sebastian said that we were dismissed and left me to the "dogs."

After that, my group and I trained together with Xavier and Parker joining us and sort of failing at what we had to do, Parker failing more than Xavier.

And that lead into the evening where I was giving Bryson a bath and making him laugh. His laughter brought joy to my heart and filled me with peace.

He was the reason why I had kept fighting, kept living even when I had been torn up by that Worber. He was the light in the darkness that surrounded me, even if he wasn't made by two mates that loved each other. He was still loved and had multiple people that cared about him.

Something changed in the air, causing me to tense and pause in washing my son's hair. I shuddered, this feeling of foreboding washing over me.

"Aunt Heidi?" I called out, turning my head towards the opened door. "Can you come here and finish Bryson, please?" My voice shook with urgency, causing her to rush into the bathroom.

"Here," she said, getting into the spot that I had been in. "Go."

I nodded my head and ran out of the bathroom, grabbing my staffs before leaving the room and the house, not caring that I was only wearing short shorts and a tank top with bare feet.

I ran as fast as I could, going the way that I felt this feeling. My heart pounded in my chest, and my throat went dry because I was worried about whoever was in trouble.

Loud growling filled the air, causing some nesting birds to fly out of their nests. Shouts rang out in the air, some of them talking about me.

I turned on the earpiece as I flew towards the sounds before pulling my staffs out of their sheaths and tossing them somewhere. 'What's going on?' I asked, pressing the button and making my staffs grow longer.

'Xavier,' Sergio said, causing my heart to sink. 'There was an argument before he shifted. He is very angry. Where are you?'

I didn't reply as I jumped through a bush and landed on the other side to see Xavier in his wolf form watching the thirteen Guardsmen that were blocking him from Parker. I noticed that my uncle and the twins were also there, sending my Guardsmen instincts into this hyper-aware mode.

All I wanted to do was protect them by demolishing the threat, but I couldn't do that, not to him.

"Xavier," I breathed out, causing Xavier to shift his half black head towards me and growl. I took a step forward, causing him to growl and back away.

I could tell that his Wolf was in control and was rather impressed that he hadn't attacked anyone like I knew he wanted to.

He was scared and angry. He had no idea what was going on, no idea if he was going to get hurt for something he couldn't control. He didn't like being surrounded by all of these people that were powerful and able to kill him.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now