
Zak's POV


Why did this guy park in my spot?! 


I just wanna get some Coca Cola!


Darryl's POV


I stood inside a pastel-colored nursery, holding a little baby in my outstretched arms. There was a small blanket wrapped around it, hiding the front of its face from my view. Then all of sudden I could hear the baby crying and screaming loudly. I quickly turned its face over to me, wondering what upset it so much.

"What's wrong, little one," I asked it, cradling it in my arms as I tried to soothe it "it's gonna be okay." I could see little particles flying in the air.

The baby was disintegrating, it was fading away!

"NO!" I screeched, as I watched the face transform into flecks of skin-colored dust.

Tears dripped down my face, I could hear voices in the distance.

Nobody likes you...


Nobody likes you.

I could feel myself trembling.

Nobody likes you!

Repeat after me.

Nobody likes you!

I stayed silent out of fear until the voices spoke again.


"N-nobody likes me!" I squeaked, curling up into a little ball in the corner of the nursery. As I closed my eyes I saw the pastel nursery start to fade away too.

"N-nobody likes me," I continued, crying into my sweatpants "nobody likes me..." As everything faded away that sentence played over and over again in my mind like a broken record. Only slowing down once consciousness came back to me.


Zak's POV


Why is this guy going SO SLOW! I am literally two feet from Darryl's house and this old man won't get out of my freaking way!



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