2. Welcome to Trivium, Young Huntsmen

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Trivium, at long last! After weeks of air travel, Sasha hits the ground running. Only to stop and marvel at the beautiful architecture of the city of Trivium. She stared in wide-eyed awe at some of the more visible landmarks.

(Sasha Thornfield): "Holy crap... this place is big!"

Baron walks over, unfazed by the bustling city's landmarks.

(Baron Snow): "No shit it's big. It's the capital of the empire, what'd you expect?"

Sasha was too busy gawking at the looming buildings and skyscrapers to notice Baron. Illia, after slinging her duffle bag over her shoulder, pokes Baron in the sides. Baron looks over at his companion, who is also looking at the city.

(Illia Black): "Cut her some slack, boss."

Baron, uninterested, gave a half-hearted confirmation before grabbing his own bags. He checks his phone with tired eyes. His eyes narrow at the screen.

(Baron): "Hey Illia... What's our hotel's name again?"

Illia remains silent for a second, thinking. She responds upbeatly.

(Illia): "I have no clue!"

Baron's shoulders slump down.

(Baron): "Of all the things I forgot to note down, why is this it!?"

He sighs loudly.

(Baron): "Fuck it. I don't care if it'll cost me extra. I just want a fucking pillow to lay my face in."

He pulls up an express reservation app and finds a good hotel not too far from here. Illia looks over his shoulder, them to Sasha, who is still looking around at the cool looking buildings.

(Illia): "Make it three."

Baron looks at her, confused.

(Baron): "Three?"

He looks over at the distracted Sasha. He grunts.

(Baron): "Why? We barely even know her."

(Illia): "So? She's proven herself, I think."

(Baron): "Proven what? That she can fight? She almost decapitated me with her big, fuck off axe!"

Illia shakes her head.

(Illia): "No..."

(Baron): "Then what?"

(Illia): "That she's a good person."

Baron looks at Illia, exasperated.

(Baron): "So what? I should pay for a hotel room to every policeman or firefighter worth their salt?"

Illia turns her back to Baron.

(Illia): "You barely knew me, yet you gave me a chance. Hell, you gave me a job. Why not give her a shot. From what I got from her, she a nice girl. She's in over her head, but she's good at heart. Even in the face of danger, she followed her heart and helped complete strangers. Isn't that just like what I did back when I saved you?"

baron thinks about it for a moment.

(Baron): "that's... not quite correct. I gave you a shot because you renounced your old ways. You stopped because you gave up on your dream because it turned into a nightmare. I simply don't have the context necessary to make up my mind about her. Besides, she doesn't look that in over her head."

They look back at Sasha, who's consulting an old-school paper map and looking really confused. Illia looks back at Baron, dead-pan. Baron hangs his head.

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