1.2. Bon Voyage, Mes Jeunes Chasseurs!

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The Snitch turns his head to try and see his assailant. a young man in all white with pale hair and blue eyes. Before the man in white could say anything else, he himself was held at gunpoint. Grimm growls an order.

(Grimm): "Drop the blade or I blow your brains out, fuck-nugget."

The man was dressed in a fancy white two-piece suit, it was, however, caked in dirt and dust. That guy must have been fighting. The man in white scoffs.

(White): "I'm the one giving orders around here, bud. Back off or this scumbag pirate's getting it."

Grimm's eyes twitched for a moment then grew cold, his hand tightening on his gun's grip, his finger ready to pull the trigger.

(Grimm): "There's something you seem to not understand."

The man in white actually becomes quite nervous.

(Grimm): "My finger his far faster than your hand could ever be. It takes the average human brain a quarter of a second to react to a visual stimulus, one-fifth for audio stimulus and one-sixth for physical stimulus."

Grimm pauses for the man in white to assimilate what he just said. He continued.

(Grimm): "I only need one millisecond to blow your brains out before you can even wonder what just happened."

The two are at a standoff, the two waiting for the other to make a move. Grimm's ear moves slightly. At speeds the human eye can barely process, Grimm pulls out another gun and shoots upward without averting his gaze from the man in white. On the roof of the cabin, a woman wearing a black and white bouncer suit narrowly dodges the shot. She jumps down and rolls to lessen her fall. Grimm points his gun at her without even looking at her. although he was smirking

(Grimm): "Good try, rookie. better luck next time."

Sasha squints and recognizes the woman.

(Sasha): "Wait... Illia?"

The woman looks up at the girl and recognizes her.

(Illia): "Sasha?"

The man in white gawks at his companion.

(White): "Wait, you know these guys?!"

(Illia): "No, just the girl."

The two walk toward each other, Grimm still pointing his gun at Illia. Sasha puts her hand on the gun and lowers it. well... tries. Grimm held his iron-hand in place like a steel beam. Sasha had to pull her whole weight on his arm to lower it. Grimm refrains from laughing at her genuine effort and raises a curious eyebrow.

(Grimm): "Friend of yours?"

Sasha scratches the back of her head.

(Sasha): "More like a friendly acquaintance."

Grimm glances at Illia before putting his gun away.

(Grimm): "Tell your friend to let go before I get tired of this fucking charade."

(Illia): "Baron, do as he says. Please."

Baron looks at the Snitch then back to Grimm. He grunts before letting go. Baron asks, genuinely confused, why they are helping the pirate. The two new additions to the party are brought up to speed to what is going on and what the plan of action is. Baron objects.

(Baron): "It would be a safer bet to deal with the pirates first."

(Grimm): "We will, in time. My main objective is to secure the hostages. If you want to play pirate hunter, be my guest but don't expect me to come save your ass when you're at the wrong end of a pirate's gun."

Elsewhere Chronicles: Grimm (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now