Action Report: TSSE Novac

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Mission Location: the Trans-Sentrull Sky Engine "Novac"

Report Writer: Elias Grimm

Mission Operative: Elias Grimm

Mission Control: Ross "Capo" Bain

Mission Parametres: Lethal force prohibited, Civilian casualties unacceptable, Hostile casualties up to operative, Extract V.I.P, Arrest Jacqueline Beaumont

Mission Result: Partial Success (The V.I.P was nowhere to be found after the mission was completed)

Mission report: 

After leaving HQ, I was brought to a drop-ship. The ride was quiet until at 0700 hours, we were at three-quarters of the way to the destination. Then I was briefed on my objective and mission parameters by mission control. once briefing was over, it was showtime. shit hit the fan quick as I was greeted by half of the Sky Pirate force. although, I will admit that my entry was... Dynamic (i Halo jumped off the dropship and strait unto the Novac's bridge.) I made contact with the Pirate's boss, Jacqueline Beaumont. we exchanged words before she ran away, leaving me with half her crew. As expected, the fight was rather anti-climatic. after dealing with them, I Petrified them and made my towards the Captain's Quarter to meet with the Snitch (the V.I.P). I was greeted by the Snitch petting some Faunae girl. I was... surprised (actually, Shocked would be a better descriptor of how I felt about what I saw. I mean... who DOES that... I BROAD FUCKING DAYLIGHT IN A PUBLIC SETTING. the nerves of some people.) Anyhow, upon meeting with the Snitch, I was given a motive for his turn coating. it seems he was threatened by Jacqueline with death and/or injury to keep him in line, despite their long-formed relationship (the Snitch said that they grew up together, that she was like a sister to him. It makes his desertion rather understandable.) much to my surprise, the Faunae girl (Whom I now know is first-year Sasha Thornfield) decided to help. my first impressions of her were positive, the girl is always ready for action and always ready to help others. I got a taste for her magical affinity when she healed my broken nose (i...fell...on the floor...nose first...anyways).  upon making a plan with her and the Snitch, we made our way out of the cabin. only to be ambushed. then, we make contact with two others who were willing to help (i now know that they were also first years. Baron Snow and Illia Black). they ambushed us, having though the Snitch to be a pirate (i don't blame them, however.) my first impressions of the both of them we... mixed. Illia black was mostly all business (which I respect in this particular situation). however, I can't stand that shithead Snow (this arrogant, self-important prick got on my nerves quickly). after clearing the misunderstanding, we formulated the plan that we would end up following. the plan was simple: I would distract as many of the guards as possible and make my way towards the ship's armoury, were my allies' weapons were locked away. meanwhile, they would rescue the hostages, held in the dining area. the plan went flawlessly. after arriving at the armoury, I dispatched the pirates I had lured away from their station. at this point, I expected the bare minimum, and even then I was disappointed. then again, my illusion skills are... "hard to compare" to quote professor Belweather. the door to the armoury was a reinforced steel door, the Snitch commented that they had difficulties taking the door down. it was easy for me to dispatch of the door. I simply use one of my custom tool, my "Solar Lance". soon after dealing with the door, my allies arrived. I had originally planned to bring them their weapons at the mess hall, but oh well. after a short back and forth with them (as well as a quick glance at their weapons), we made our way to the Pirate's ship. well... they made their way to the pirate ship. I stayed behind to check on the hostages. they left the Snitch to guard the Hostages. after I arrived, I noticed that the door was locked. I asked to be left in and after some resistance, I was let in. to my surprise, the Snitch was nowhere to be seen. the hostages were safe and after interrogating them about it, they confirmed that the Snitch left them after locking the door. I ran to the pirate ship and, after seeing that my allies were doing just fine against the pirate (and witnessing Baron's use of magic), made my way toward the escape pods. I launched every pod, I case of shit going south. soon after, Jacqueline came running. I apprehended her and the mission was over. After combing over the ship, I saw that the Snitch was well and truly gone. Its like he was never there. No missing escape pods or lifeboats, nothing. Hell, I even checked for magical disturbance and found fuck all. He just... disappeared. Once the situation was over and a little goodbye to Sasha, I left.


Signature: Elias Grimm

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