Chapter Nineteen: Freeing Alexandria ~ Jeaquson

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Alexandria sat huddled against the prison cell wall looking quite astonished as I explained how Raven was the conduit between Noir and Orimoris and that her death was required to stop the Squanjoes. In spite of all the gravity of the situation, it was good to see my cousin again. Though I had watched her grow into a beautiful young woman in the years we had been together, at this moment what I saw was a little girl. I taught her how to ride horses. I still remembered her experience of falling off with me running to her side to assure the poor girl that all would be right. Those were the days, days of sunlight, days of shadow. Days we remember fondly, and days we try to forget. Seeing her torn, dirty, and helpless awakened in me a resolve to set the whole business straight. Though I abhorred the thought of killing my former charge Raven, I reminded myself that Raven's death would mean the end of Noir, and the only way to restore Orimoris.

With the magic of Karrik's dagger, I managed to cut through the locked door of Alexandria's cell and together, she and I escaped. Strangely enough, we encountered no guards outside the cell. Perhaps Raven had grown careless under the influence of Noir. Pushing this thought aside, we made our way down the hallway to our right.

"Are you sure there isn't another way?" Alexandria sobbed, tripping over her long skirts as we ran down the stone corridor. I shook my head as the tears streamed down my face.

"I'm afraid so. There is no other way."

"But Raven..."

"She isn't Raven anymore! Noir has taken complete and total control. Face it, your sister and my cousin is dead. The best thing we can do is put her out of her misery. Doesn't that sound just?"

Alexandria sadly nodded and we continued on our way. The passages of the dungeons of Orimoris were a rabbit warren of false doors and cracked walls. Having spent time in there recently, the memories of my escape returned to me. As we neared the end of the prison bloc, we ran headlong into a Squanjo!

"Alert! Alert! The pris-s-soners are es-s-scaping!" As I jabbed my sword into the soft underbelly of the guard's chin, he fell motionless to the floor. Unfortunately, the deceased guard had managed to draw the attention of the rest of the castle; I could hear the pounding of feet coming from above as the prison guards arrived to subdue us. Ducking into a nearby storage cellar, Alexandria and I waited for the monstrous warriors to pass. We held our noses and tried to quiet our breathing even though the smell of rotting fish reserved for the prisoners was unbelievably overwhelming. When the last of the footsteps died away, I relaxed.

"Jeaquson! Jeaquson!" a strangely familiar voice called out.

"Did you hear that?" I demanded of Alexandria.

"Hear what? The guards?" she inquired, stifling a cough.

"Never mind. It was probably nothing," I conceded.

"Oh so now I'm nothing to you? How rude! " came the voice again. I realized it was coming from my head and that was why Alexandria couldn't hear it. I also recognized the mysterious voice.

"Alaria?" I thought silently.

"Yes indeed! Give the man a prize! Perhaps you aren't as dense as they say!" Yes, definitely Alaria.

"Where are you?" I thought. "How are you talking to me?"

"How do you think? Figure it out!"

Slow realization came to me and I looked down at my right hand, the ring upon it glowing brightly.

"The ring?" I guessed.

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