Chapter Twelve: Life as a Dragon ~ Alexandria

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After hearing the story of Saria, my next course of action was certain. So the next morning, alone in the room Stoneclaw had provided for me, I put on the amulet and made the transformation again. Though it was still a bit frightening to change into a dragon, ever since I had received the clothing that the amulet magic had created, it transformed with me, so I didn't feel exposed. After the finishing touches to my dragon form had completed, I lumbered out of my room on my four new legs to the place where Sapphire waited.

"Your new form suits you very well dear sister," Sapphire complemented. "You are the very image of Lady Saria herself. Come this way." She led me down a warren of stone corridors. We passed the occasional dragon and made friendly conversation, talking of distant lands and the latest dragon fashions. Though one wouldn't think so at first sight, dragons do have a soft spot for precious earrings made of gold, jewels, and diamonds. Turning left, right, and left again, we finally arrived at an opening high in the mountainside. From that vantage point I found true beauty; I could see every inch of the land where the Fire Tribe dwelt. Crystal waterfalls danced in the distance and midnight blue birds of all shapes and sizes did cartwheels in the sky. The desolation of rock was made magnificent by the continuous spreading of snow. I could see every individual snowflake and its cathedral architectural design. The richest of all the kings in the world and the fairest maidens in all the kingdoms would be put to shame compared with the beauty of Skarenmoor's snow. The sight out of the side of the mountain took my very breath away.

"Now my sister, the time has come for you to truly become a dragon! Follow me!" And with that, Sapphire leaped into the air and dove downward out of sight. Following suit, I gave a leap and began to plummet. It looked as if the stones themselves were charging up at me full speed! I couldn't move for fear of falling faster still. I was unable to do anything but fall. Sapphire attempted to give helpful instructions, but her words were lost in the winds of winter. I shut my eyes tight and opened my wings. Suddenly, I wasn't falling anymore, I was flying! The exhilaration caused me to forget all fears and I spread my wings, catching the thermals. I rose higher and higher, leaving the ground and all of its troubles behind.

"Magnificent, dear sister! Now try to roll in midair like so!" She lifted one wing up and lowered the other, spiraling upward like a leaf in the wind. I decided to try the same. The air caught under one wing and pushed away another. The slantways panorama of Skarenmoor's sky was more beautiful than a midsummer's sunset. Sapphire made a sharp turn by flicking her tail; I did likewise and immediately changed my direction. It was as if I were one with the air. The force of it obeyed my every command.

"How can you even bear to land?" I asked incredulously.

"We must eat!" laughed Sapphire. Hours later, Sapphire motioned to me, indicating that the time had come to land. I found that slowly closing my wings while remaining limp in body allowed for a gradual and softer descent than I had been able to earlier accomplish.

We were met on the ground by a concerned Narvin. "Something isn't right," he told us, quivering in his very steps.

"What ails you on this fine morning dear brother?" Sapphire inquired.

"Sabrina and that human friend of Lady Alexandria's, Dastan Carrell, haven't been seen all day. What's more, Stoneclaw has been very quiet about the whole matter. When I asked him about their whereabouts, he told me it was none of my concern! Sabrina is next in line for the ruler of Fire Tribe! If anything were to happen to her or the young boy, two kingdoms would be in jeopardy!"

"Your words disturb me, brother. Perhaps you misheard him."

"I'm sure of what I heard, and besides, we all know that Stoneclaw is bitter that he has no children of his own. He and Sabrina never did exactly see eye to eye."

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