Author's note

553 29 21


I've mentioned that this story has changed quite a bit from my original crazy idea.  And now I am wondering how to end it. 

You all know me as the "tragedy writer."  But I also love a happy ending.

So now I am at a crossroads - do I go with my original ending which is not totally happy, but it was one of the reasons I started this journey in the first place?

Or do I make a more predictable but happy ending?

Decisions, decisions.

I am wishy-washy and also greedy, so I have decided to do both and let you choose which one you want to read.

I am almost done with my original ending, and have also changed the story quite a bit.  I will post that one first with a "not so happy ending" spoiler, so you can choose whether or not to skip it and wait for the happier one.

You are all so awesome and your comments are very important and have helped to move this in hopefully a better direction.

Much, much xie-xie for your patience and sticking with me through my madness!

A.I. ~ Learning to Live AgainWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu