Chapter 2

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Zhao Yunlan felt Shen Wei fall against his back.

"Ha-ha! Did you get drunk on too much tea, Shen Wei?"

His laugh caught in his throat as he saw Shen Wei's body on the ground, the only movement being the slow seeping of blood from the side of his head.

The ambulance ride to the hospital seemed to go on and on, and the siren was a hum in Zhao Yunlan's numb brain. The paramedic listening to Shen Wei's heart suddenly injected something into the IV and began heart compressions, while yelling to the driver to go faster. All Zhao Yunlan could do as he helplessly watched the paramedic pump Shen Wei's heart to keep him alive was just pray, pray hard to Kwan Yin, Buddha, God, any deity that could save Shen Wei.

They arrived at the hospital a few agonizing minutes later, and the gurney with Shen Wei and the paramedic still doing chest compressions were rushed into the ER where the doctors immediately hooked up various machines. Fortunately, Shen Wei's heart started beating again, so they wheeled him away to have a CAT scan. A doctor soon came to tell Zhao Yunlan that Shen Wei had suffered a severe blow to the head and would need surgery. When he was able to talk, he called his father, who came rushing over.

"Who would do this to him? And why wasn't I hit instead? He's just a forensic scientist, not a detective. He's not a threat to anyone," Zhao Yunlan held his head in his hands.

"I was thinking about this on the way over. It happened after you left the restaurant, and the target was obviously Shen Wei, not you, the detective," Zhao Xin Chin said thoughtfully. "He was able to get that last case reopened, right? To the murderer, he is a big threat that will find things that should remain hidden."

"I told him he should have taken the promotion and stay away from the field. Then he would have been safe."

"You know how much he enjoys being out there and getting his hands into things. Besides," Zhao Xin Chin put his hand on Zhao Yunlan's shoulder, "where would you be without his smarts? And you would miss him. Just as he would miss you."

Zhao Yunlan smiled weakly at his father as he leaned back and closed his eyes for what would be a long night.

Several hours later, the doctor came out to speak to them.

"Whoever did this knew what he was doing. He aimed at a critical part of the brain that should have killed Shen Wei immediately. But fortunately he was off by a fraction of a centimeter, possibly because he stepped behind you and the perpetrator wasn't able to get as clean a hit as he wanted."

"So, he will be alright?" Zhao Yunlan felt hope flow through his tired body.

"Not really. There was extensive damage done to several parts of the brain, and while it is enough to keep his body alive, well, this is very hard to say and we will have to monitor him for the next 48 hours...but he probably will never regain consciousness," the doctor quietly said.

"Do you mean he's...brain dead?" Zhao Yunlan had a hard time saying the words.

"I'm afraid so. His brain activity is getting weaker as we speak. I realize this is difficult time, but have you considered organ donation?"

"You're right, this is a very bad time for this, and we will carefully consider your request. But not now." Zhao Xin Chin firmly said. "We would like to see Shen Wei now. Is that possible?"

"He is being moved to a room in the CCU (Critical Care Unit) where he can have limited visitors. Does he have family?" the doctor backed away from Zhao Xin Chin a little. Even after retirement, only a few were able to stand up to Zhao Xin Chin.

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