Chapter 3

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The other customer turned around at the sound of his voice.

"Hello, Chief Zhao. We have been waiting for you. I am hungry."

Shen Wei???

"Shen Wei! You're awake! But they told me that your brain - " Zhao Yunlan sputtered.

"Yes, I was brain dead. But now I am not, thanks to A.I.," Shen Wei smiled.

"A.I.?" Zhao Yunlan looked puzzled.

"Artificial Intelligence." Zhao Xin Chin set a plate of stirfry and bowls of rice in front of the two men.

"Artificial - you mean you're a robot?" Zhao Yunlan stood up in shock.

"Sit down and eat, and listen to Shen Wei. It's quite a story." Zhao Xin Chin said as he sat down and crossed his arms in front of his chest, watching his son closely.

"I do not blame you for your confusion and shock, Chief Zhao," Shen Wei's speech was slightly stilted. "To answer your first question, no, I am not a robot. This is definitely my own, real body. Here, feel it." He held out his hand to Zhao Yunlan, who hesitantly took it.

"Okay, I get that you are in your own body." Zhao Yunlan felt the warmth from the hand, and also saw a familiar beauty spot on the wrist. Yes, this was definitely Shen Wei's body.

"I am sure you have many other questions. To answer your next most probable question, no, I do not have any hardware implanted in my head. To be more precise, artificial intelligence was injected into my brain."

"Injected? Like a liquid?"

"Yes. Fortunately it was able to reach the seriously damaged parts of my brain and I have healed physically." Shen Wei smiled.

"That's terrific! Then maybe you can tell me if you saw your attacker's face or anything about him?" Zhao Yunlan took out his notebook.

Shen Wei sat for a while with his eyes closed, then opened them. "I am sorry, but I must still analyze data from that incident. All I can recall is the figure in black jogging towards us. Judging by the shape of the impact to my skull, I have narrowed the weapon down to a baton, commonly used in the military and police force. As for the attacker, I will need more time to search for and analyze more details."

"Search?  Analyze?  You're talking like a computer," Zhao Yunlan looked puzzled again

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"Search? Analyze? You're talking like a computer," Zhao Yunlan looked puzzled again.

"The damage to my brain was very serious, and to be honest, I have very little memory of anything outside of work. To clarify, several months ago, I began recording everything through a camera and microphone in my glasses. I could later go back and further study whatever evidence, conversations, sights, anything I had seen. That data was input into the artificial intelligence program that I share with a computer. Other memories may or may not come back to me, depending on what kind of triggers I encounter from now on," Shen Wei explained.

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