Chapter 19

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Zhao Xin Chin noticed the rings on his son's and Shen Wei's fingers, but he said nothing. There was no need for words.

"Keep this Saturday open. We have to do a demonstration for some children again," Wang Zheng announced to the other forensic scientists in the room. "Sounds like last year's was well received and they want us to do another one."

"This Saturday? Why the short notice?" Zhu Hong sounded irritated.

"They had originally asked another forensic team from PhantaCity to do it, but they cancelled at the last minute, those cowards. I heard some of them talking the other night at the bar, and they said they want to make us look bad," Sang Zan replied.

"Figures, those incompetent jerks," Zhu Hong hmphed.

"I remember how excited I was when I first saw a crime scene investigation kit as a child. All those neat gadgets and how they were used to collect evidence and solve crimes," Guo Changcheng said in a dreamy voice, looking out into space.

"Little Guo, maybe you could organize this? You seem to know what children would like," Shen Wei said in a quiet voice.

"Me?" Guo Changcheng's voice went up several octaves. "There's still so much for me to learn! There's no way I can teach anyone!"

"You would not really have to teach, but show and explain, maybe do a simple simulation?" Shen Wei had already begun to plan one; he would ask to set up an empty room prior to this.

"Yeah! And I could be a dead body and you could show the approximate time of death based on how stiff my joints are," Sang Zan joined in.

"We'll bring a couple of kits and the kids can break up into groups and handle them. It's a good thing I haven't thrown out all these used ones," Wang Zheng started to think out loud.

"Fingerprinting is safe and probably the first thing people think of," Zhu Hong added. "I will also ask for white suits for the children."

"So where is this happening?" Guo Changcheng was furiously taking notes on his laptop.

"It says here 'City of Light for Children.' It is an orphange," Zhu Hong read on the computer screen.

"'City of Light for Children,' formerly known as 'Dixing Orphanage.' It was renamed to give it a positive meaning,'" Shen Wei's eyes had that faraway look, then jerked.

"What's the matter, Shen Wei?" Wang Zheng looked concerned.

"I lived there as a child, according to my personnel records," Shen Wei blinked.


Two vans pulled up in front of the City of Light for Children orphanage. The forensic scientists grabbed their gear, and Da Qing and Chu Shu Zhi helped carry other props.

"Tell me again why WE are using our precious day off to do this?" Chu Shu Zhi grumbled.

"Because this is where Chief's honey grew up," Da Qing was carrying the white papery suits the children would wear. "Besides, Little Guo is organizing this. Don't you want to support him?" he added in a singsong voice.

"That little pipsqueak? He's like a kid himself," Chu Shu Zhi grunted, but when he thought no one was looking, the corner of his mouth turned up slightly in a grin. Guo Changcheng still had a long way to go, but his enthusiasm and compassion had begun to melt Chu Shu Zhi's heart little by little, and he now felt like an older brother who had to protect Little Guo.

Guo Changcheng, Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan had arrived over an hour ago, having made arrangements with the orphanage to use an empty room, and were putting the finishing touches on their simulation. When Sang Zan arrived, they briefed him on the simulation and what he should do as a 'body.'

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