Chapter 1

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This chapter is SUPER LONG so I hope you enjoy it!

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I really, really do!




Chapter 1

“Wait mum!” I yelled, rushing after the already moving vehicle.

She slammed on the breaks and jerked the driver side door open. She marched over and slapped me across the face. Not hard enough to make me waver, but just enough to feel the sting. The chill air didn’t help the pain much either.

“Are you insane?” She asked “You should know better than to chase cars idiot.” She rolled her eyes.

“Sorry.” I looked down. “But, you said I could go with you.” I said, a small smile forming on my lips.

She stared at me for a moment, her hands on her hips, her left foot hitting the pavement in perfect rhythm.

“Fine, get in.” She said, throwing her hands up.


The ride to the store was silent. I stared out my window and watched the scenery of trees, houses and people blur by. They all looked so happy. It made me wonder if everyone’s lives were the same. Did everyone’s parents treat them the way min did? Danielle, my ex-befriend had really cool parents. They were beyond nice and they let her do whatever she wanted.

“Alright, do whatever it is you have to do, but if you aren’t at checkout three in an hour than I’m leaving without you.” My mother warned, before sliding out of her seat and heading towards the store. I followed suit, going in the same entrance way as her, just going left towards the electronics, rather than right towards the food.

I flipped through the various CD’s, movies, and games as I searched for something that seemed worth my time and money. My eye caught on a sign.

Pre-Order One Direction’s Latest Album!

But that wasn’t what really caught my attention, it was the five guys standing across from the sign that did. They were each wearing sweatshirts and sunglasses, inside the building. I let out a snicker, making one of them glance in my direction. He tapped the shoulder of the lad next to him and pointed at me. The other bloke turned to face me, making me laughed even harder. He was also wearing a fake mustache.

Emma Grace TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now