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As the carriage rolled up to the church, Winifred felt her nerves return. She watched as men and women, elegantly dressed, walked up the steps. They belonged here, you could tell from the way they walked. Shoulders back, head up, noses down. She had half a mind to tell the driver to just drive away, but she knew she needed to do this. Hetta wanted her here and she wanted to be there for her. The carriage door opened and the footman helped her out.

"Thank you, John," she said, smiling at the young man.

He returned the smile. "You're welcome, Miss Winifred. Have a nice time," he said closing the door and getting back on top of the carriage.

She walked up the steps, praying for some kind of guidance. She hadn't been in church since she was a girl, and her life choices didn't really make her a poster child for faith, but she did believe that there was a God and she prayed he would help her now. She felt her face to make sure her scar was still subtly covered by her hair. Then she squared her shoulder and walked in.

Winifred had to admit that Hetta had done a wonderful job of designing the colors and the arrangements. Everything was pristine and perfect in every way. She could see her friend's hand all over it. Beautiful gardenias and chrysanthemums lined the aisles and at the front of the church was a lovely canopy adorned in white and baby pink roses with a lovey tulle fabric woven between them.

The people were dressed just as elegantly, each gown made to rival the other. This was after all the wedding of the season and people wanted to make sure they would be remembered. There were feathers, satin, patterns, flowers, and silk dresses, in addition to an assortment of very flamboyant hats. The men were also dressed with the height of fashion in mind. Top hats, canes, monocles, and even the occasional dramatic mustache had Winifred staring for quite some time just taking it all in. Across the room she glimpsed a familiar face. She had to admit that while Lord Blackheart's suit was nowhere as detailed and involved as the other men's, he was one of the best dressed. He must have felt her eyes on him, because he caught her gaze and gave her a smile and mouthed "Are you okay?" to her.

She smiled back and nodded in reassurance. She was just about to mouth her own message back at him when the bishop announced it was time for everyone to take their seats. She found a seat toward the back and settled in, feeling relieved she didn't have to socialize with anyone. The chattering stop and every waiting with anticipation as the ceremony began.

Soon the minister appeared leading the procession. It was then that Winifred got her first look at Lord Blackheart's parents. She hadn't known how to picture them in the past when Lord Blackheart mentioned them briefly. She had taken what she knew of what he and Hetta looked like and used her imagination. However, seeing them in person as they processed down the aisle in what could only be described as in a regal fashion, she could see that they were very intimidating and very rich. They had a very distinct air of snobbery that only one born into money could have. But they were soon eclipsed by Hetta, who appeared in the doorway, glowing with the anticipation of a new bride.

She wore a gorgeous white gown that was adorned with lace around the neckline and sleeves. It hung slightly off the shoulder with the waist and bodice clinging tightly to her frame and them billowing out into the satin skirt that seemed to shine in the light of the stained glass windows. Her veil was absolutely glorious, flowing all the way down her dress and following her in a long train that had flowers embroidered into the lace with pearls all around the edge. Her hair was up in a simple bun with strategic tendrils framing her face. She was a princess and it was clear that this was the happiest day of her life.

Winifred was in complete awe of her and felt happiness for her friend bubble over into a smile that made her cheeks hurt. She did not know the man Hetta was marrying, although she knew he was a Marquis. But whoever he was she hoped he deserved her friend because Hetta was as bright as the sun and she needed someone who would bask in her radiance and not try to stifle her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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