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As it turned out, most of the house wanted to partake in the dancing lessons. There were some who knew the dances, but they wanted to brush up on their skills before the wedding. So on a lovely afternoon, they all filed into the sitting room, which was the biggest one in the house, and paired off.

Charlotte paired off with Lucas, who had found some time to spare. The maids paired off with the footmen. Winifred was paired with Ed. Ms. Pemberly came to watch, saying that she was too old to dance but still wanted to partake in the festivities.

"All right everyone," Lord Blackheart said, clapping to get everyone's attention. "Let's start with a simple waltz. This one is easy because it is based on a three count. Now, remember, step off with the right foot and begin your count of one, two, three, one two, three... Ladies, let the men lead and follow their feet. Let's start with no music just practicing the movements."

As they began Lord Blackheart would move around the room and offer suggestions for improvement. Charlotte and Lucas were pretty advanced so they didn't need much help. Some of the maids also quite good so they helped the others. Winifred, who had never danced such a formal dance before, was relying very heavily on Ed to show her what to do.

"Okay, so you move off on the right foot," she said under her breath, repeating the steps to herself. "One, two three, one two -"

"Ouch!" Ed faltered as she stepped heavily on his toes.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," she cried. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. "Of course I am. It was only a little pinch." But looking at his face she wasn't sure she believed him. "Come let's try again."

Soon she began to get the hang of it. And it was actually beginning to feel like fun.

"You must remember to look up, Winifred," Ed told her. "It actually makes it easier."

She nodded trying not to look down. "I'm just trying to make sure I don't step on you again."

"I told you it's quite alright. You weigh nothing at all and I'm a big boy."

She smirked. "You're limping."

He scoffed outright. "Am not!"

She laughed at his indignation. He was adorable.

They stopped after an hour for a break and everyone spread out around the room talking and laughing. Ms. Pemberly went down and made some small sandwiches and lemonade for everyone. It was a lovely way to spend an afternoon.

"You know I don't remember the last time I've had such fun," Charlotte said to Winifred munching on a sandwich.

"I feel the same, "Winifred replied. "Today has been great fun. It's a well-needed change."

Charlotte sobered at that. "Winifred, I just wanted to say sorry again. I know that I broke my promise and-"

Winifred put her hand on Charlotte's arm. "There is no apology needed. In fact, I should be thanking you. When I asked you not to tell anyone, I wasn't thinking straight. But you did what I needed you to do and not what I wanted you to do. You realized that my life was more important than a promise and did the best you could to help me. And I am so grateful for that. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the friend that I didn't know I needed."

Charlotte nodded with tears in her eyes. "Anytime."

They sat in comfortable silence for a minute both of them glad to have cleared the air. Then Charlotte said tentatively, "I heard what that man said to you."

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