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There was something between them now. A connection that held firm every time their eyes met or even when they were in the same room. Lord Blackheart knew that she felt it just as strongly as he did. He knew because every time she looked at him her cheeks would darken a shade deeper.  As did his.

The wedding was rapidly approaching and it was clear Winifred would not be completely healed in time to complete the cake.  While Hetta was sad, she was outraged that Winifred was attacked. When she found out she demanded that Lord Blackheart do something immediately. When he inquired as to what she thought he should do she replied with,

"Well if you're not going to kill him, at least find out who he is and have him arrested!"

Winifred choked but Lord Blackheart laughed. "I'd gladly kill him," he said, his voice darkening,  "but Winifred won't tell me his name."

Which let to Hetta whirling upon Winifred and barking, "Why ever not?"

She shrugged half-heartedly and said, "He'll get what's coming to him."

Lord Blackheart tried to catch her eye but she avoided him. Because he knew the real reason why she did not reveal her attacker's name. He regretted not following up on their conversation. It had been a week and they had yet to talk about what she had told him. But he planned to rectify that very soon.

"Oh what nonsense! Ric, tell her that's nonsense."

"Hetta, I cannot make Winifred tell me. It is her decision," he said. "Why don't you go find a caterer now? We didn't give you a lot of time."

Hetta looked at Winifred. "We are not done talking about this."

"Hetta," Lord Blackheart said in warning.

She put her hands up in surrender. "I'm dropping it, I'm dropping it."

Winfred let out an audible sigh of relief.

"As for the cake, Mama had a caterer picked out from the moment she knew I was getting married. The only thing that has kept her from ordering was that I told her I had a better one. But he will do, I suppose. I should go and order the cake today, though,"  she said gathering her wedding book and purse.

Just as she was about to walk out she spun around. "Oh before I forget! I'm inviting everyone to the reception. All of your servants are welcome to come, Ric. I would invite them to the wedding but Mama will not hear of it. However, she cannot stop me from inviting them to the reception so that's that."

She turned to Winifred. "You, my dear, are invited to the wedding."

Winifred hastily declined. "No, I don't mind coming to the reception. I wouldn't want to anger your mother."

"But, who will Ric take then?"

Winifred paled and blushed at the same time. If that was possible.

Lord Blackheart wanted to kick his sister. Winfred looked like she wanted to melt into the ground. 

"What- ", Winifred breathed looking at Lord Blackheart as if to convince him that she had no part in this. "No- I. He wouldn't- Miss Hetta-" She was completely flustered.

"Winifred," Hetta said, changing from her feigned innocence. "I want you to be there. You are my friend and it would mean the world to me if you came." Hetta said sincerely.

A friend. That's what Hetta called her. She hadn't had a friend in... longer than she could remember.

"Well, okay. Only if you're sure that it wouldn't be improper." Winifred conceded.

"Splendid! Oh, I'm so excited!" She rushed over to Winifred and gave her a hug. "Thank you, darling. So it's decided then. You'll attend my wedding with Ric!" And then she exited the room before either of them could react.

"What! Hetta!" Winifred yelled after her.

But Hetta only called out, "Ta, darling!" from down the hall.

Winifred made a move to go after her but Lord Blackheart caught her arm. "I'll deal with her. You can get back to work if you need to. Or rest, whichever one. I'll come down to the kitchen later and tell everyone that they're invited." 

"I had no part in that. I don't even know where she got that idea." 

Ahh, but you know exactly where she got that idea don't you, Alaric?

"I believe you, Winifred." He squeezed her arm gently and left the room in pursuit of his sister.


"Hetta! Wait!"

He made it just in time. She was just entering her carriage and about to drive off. He stalked over to the carriage and pulled her down.

"What the hell was that back there?" He hissed at her.

She smiled at him with infuriating innocence. "I was only doing what you didn't have the courage to do."

"When will you get in into your head that there is nothing-"

"Maybe if you weren't such a coward there would be something!" She yelled.

"Shut up, Ric!" she said cutting off his protestations. "I know how you feel about Winifred and there's no point in denying it. Do you know how many people would kill to find a girl like her? She is kind and gentle and wise and perfect for you and you refuse to do anything about it! I've had to watch you be alone for years and years and no matter what you may say I know you are lonely. I don't like to see you so cynical about life. So if you won't make the first move, I will."

She jerked out of his grasp and got into the carriage. "And if I find out that you are not taking her, I'll have Mother arrange a debutante for you," She said smugly, knowing she found a way to ensure he did as he was told. "You're welcome, brother."

She drove off without so much as a smile or backward glance, leaving him completely frustrated. 

He turned back to the house not knowing how he was going to convince Winifred to go with him.


A/N: It's a short one but there's more coming.

Tell me what you think of Winifred and Lord Blackheart going to the wedding together!!

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