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the telling of friends

AROUND TWO IN THE MORNING, Carter woke up to his phone vibrating. It was his Father. Carter was quick to answer the phone, not even thinking about how he was waking up Peter. "Dad?"

"Where are you?" Colin huffed through the phone. "It's two in the morning and you aren't home!" His voice was slowly raising.

"I just don't feel like I can be home—"

"So you've been leaving your sister all alone?" Colin cut off his son. Colin hadn't been home almost at all, meaning Carter hadn't been home either and he had been leaving Rosie all alone. Carter went silent, not having an answer. "Where have you been staying?"

"With May and Peter Parker," Carter responded. Colin let out a sort of sigh of relief. "She knew I was here, I'm sorry Dad," Carter added, he looked over at Peter who was barely awake but watching the boy talk on the phone. "Do you want me to come home?"

"Tomorrow, don't wake Peter or May up but next time tell me," Colin tried to be understanding but it was difficult. "I know it's hard for you too, especially after your fight with him. I don't know what it was about but Rosie needs you."

"I'll be home in the morning," Carter responded before hanging up, he fell back into the bed. He didn't speak but he watched from the corner of his eye as Peter opened his mouth for a second before closing it. "Sleep Peter, it's late," Carter whispered before turning his back to the boy. Peter tried to wrap his arm around Carter but the boy shook is off, hearing as Peter let out a heavy sigh. "Goodnight."

"Good Night, Carter," Peter whispered back.

The two had only shared the one kiss before laying on the bed together. The one, perfect kiss. Carter had his first kiss before but this one felt more right, maybe because it was with a boy or maybe because it was Peter.

Peter continued to stare at the boy, waiting for him to fall asleep, which came quicker than before. He wondered what the kiss meant, were they dating? Was it just a one time kiss because Carter was upset? Would Peter have to wait to be with Carter until Marcus was better? Would Carter ever go public because of his dad? Peter knew Colin wasn't the most accepting person out there.

Peter let out a heavy sigh before closing his eyes again, taking longer to fall asleep than Carter did.

PETER WOKE UP TO Carter shaking him gently. Peter's eyes fluttered open, still half asleep. "Hi," Peter smiled, it wasn't the first time he woke up to Carter shaking him but since Colin wanted him home that night, he assumed it would be the last for a while. Carter had a grin on his face, he was slightly hovering over Peter.

"Hey," Carter responded. Carter went to lean into Peter but before he could, Peter lifted himself slightly and connected their lips. He thought Carter would shove him off, tell him that last night was a mistake but Carter leaned into the kiss. This kiss lasted longer, this one resulted in Carter pulling Peter to be on top of him.

Peter was surprised but didn't protest. He grabbed some of Carter's hair, hearing a slight moan as he did. Peter wasn't sure if the moan was from Carter or from him when Carter deepened the kiss. It could have been both.

They had school. Peter remembered but he didn't want to pull away. It was like Carter read his mind because he did end the kiss.

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