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CHAPTER EIGHTpeter has a revelation

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peter has a revelation

CARTER STOOD AT WORK, making a waffle cone for a customer when Ned and Peter walked in. It was clear that Ned was really upset and he had every right to be. He handed the teenage girl her ice cream and she gave him a flirty smile but he just nodded back, took her money and gave her the change. She was pretty but honestly, he wasn't in the mood to flirt with some girl.

"Hey Ned, what would you like? Whatever size, whatever toppings, free," Carter smiled, Ned cracked a smile. "You want the big one?" It was something that Carter had made up but all together, the four scoop ice cream in a waffle bowl cost around eight dollars.

"Yeah," Ned nodded. "Peanut Butter ice cream, death by chocolate, moose tracks, and brownie lovers," Ned listed off the flavours he wanted. Carter nodded. He grabbed all the toppings which were basically every topping available.

When it was done, it was huge and didn't really fit the bowl but that was kind of the point. Ned went to sit as Peter ordered his own. "Just the usual," Carter nodded and began working on it. "Did you talk to Marcus?"

"Yep," Carter nodded, Peter was kind of expecting him to go on more but he didn't. Based on how Carter was scooping the ice cream, he was angry as well. "Here," he handed it to Peter. "On the house as well."

"Thanks," Peter nodded, putting his money away and went to sit with Ned. Carter sat on his stool, scrolling through his phone, he looked at up Ned and Peter randomly, they weren't talking. Peter would try and start conversations but Ned just wasn't in the mood.

After a bit, Carter moved to sit with Ned and Peter, realizing that it was unlikely that anyone was coming any time soon. "Hey," Carter sighed.

"So I heard Spider-Man stopped you from being mugged," Ned brought up, looking at the bruises on his face. Peter cracked a smile at Ned still trying to help prove that Spider-Man was a real superhero.

"Well actually, I was still beaten up and they took all my money, he just got my money back after webbing them," Carter gestured to his face.

"Okay true but he got your money back," Peter added, feeling guilty that he hadn't been able to stop the guys from mugging him, he wished he had gotten there earlier. He had seen the guys following Carter and he did nothing until it was too late.

"I was still beaten up and he only twenty out of my fifty back," Carter shrugged. Peter frowned, now understanding the remarks he had made. "Decent guy, I think he's ugly though, wouldn't tell me if he wasn't."

"Why do you want to know?" Peter asked, not realizing that it was in the same teasing manner as the night before. Carter looked at him before shrugging, not wanting to be staring at Peter in confusion for too long.

"I don't really care," Carter hummed, taking a sip out of his water. "But aren't you guys curious to who's under the mask?"

"Not really," both boys spoke quickly, shaking their heads. Carter looked at them strangely, trying to hide the smirk on his face. "Not at all," Ned added.

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