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CHAPTER TWELVE the conversations

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the conversations

ON WEDNESDAY, CARTER CLOSED. A rather uneventful close, Marcus had visited to talk and brainstorm ideas on how to apologize to Ned. None of them seemed quite right, they were either too over the top or far too simple. And yes, the brothers even thought of just going up to Ned and apologizing, which was part of the plan but not the entire plan. Marcus had left two hours before the close, leaving Carter alone, only four people came into the store between then and close.

On his walk home, he had his earphone in, when he saw Spider-Man, swinging from building to building. Carter put his hood up, looking back down at his feet. Although Zach had made it quite obvious that Carter had feelings for Peter, yet Carter was quick to connect the feeling Peter gave him and the feeling Spider-Man gave him a few nights ago.

He was already confused with how he felt with Peter, how his siblings and father would react. Zach was right, the reason Carter had taken this too heart was because he thought he'd always have his siblings, yet he was subconsciously afraid of losing his brother and sister. His father would be furious, Carter, although not close, wasn't ready to completely lose his father. Something he never thought he would have to do.

Peter gave Carter a comforting feeling when Peter placed his hand on Carter's chest, he hadn't felt that comforted in a long time. Carter knew his feelings for Peter were more serious than he let on when he was talking with Zach. He could try and suppress his feelings as much as he wanted and focus on school and soccer. Carter had never had real feelings for anyone, he never really cared for getting into a relationship. His focus was soccer and getting into a good school. Money had always been an issue in his family, and although his savings was okay he needed the scholarship to get into a good school. His father may have been a doctor but there were years of debt from past mistakes, plus medical attention for multiple sports injuries, funeral cost, along with multiple other reasons.

Spider-Man, made Carter feel safe. The feeling somehow different from how Peter made him feel. The calming effect from how Spider-Man held Carter while going around the city, wasn't the same from when Peter calmed him down. Spider-Man made him feel like he wasn't in danger, which Carter wasn't really in danger. Other than the mugging, which Carter although still slightly shaken up about, knowing that Spider-Man was around the city, made him feel like he did not need to worry.

Although Carter would never admit this to Peter, Carter had been starting to see Spider-Man as more than just a random person in spandex. "Carter," he saw a shadow in front of him, stopping right before he bumped into the person. Carter wished he was surprised when he realized it was Spider-Man.

"Spider-Man," Carter smiled, still in his mind that he never told Spider-Man his name. He was trying to figure out how the man figured it out. "Hey," he said after a few seconds of nothing. His heart slightly racing, he was nervous. He was nervous to be around Spider-Man, just like he was when he was with Peter in the bathroom. "Uh, how did you find out my name?"

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