Part 40~ Mall fun

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We walk around mall heading towards the apple store so i can get a new phone. I push Liam's stroller as the rest of the boys walk behind us in a group. We arrive at the Apple store and Daniel stops the boys before they walk in.
"wait i want to ask yall something, Y/N you can go look at the phones we'll be right in" Daniel says and i just nod kinda confused. I walk over to where all the phones are and start looking.

Daniel's POV

"wait i want to ask y'all something, Y/N you can go look at the phones we'll be right in" I say and Y/N nods looking confused.
"What did you need to ask?" Zach says crossing his arms.
"Ok first thing what the hell is wrong with you?" I ask Zach.
"Yeah you have been super mean today especially to Y/N and she's basically your sister" Corbyn says.
"I'm sorry, i'm just upset" Zach says looking sad.
"That's fine but don't take it out on us" Jonah says rubbing Zach's back.
"i know i'll apologize to Y/N" Zach says.
"Good" Jonah says.
"Ok second thing, Y/N has been very upset and stressed recently so i want to give her this night to relax, so can one of you watch Liam if not i'll ask my mom" I say.
"Sorry i have plans with Tate" Jonah says.
"I promised Reese i would come over for dinner" Zach says.
"I can do it Christina wanted to see Liam anyways and she flew in this morning" Corbyn says.
"Thank you so much i definitely owe you" I say hugging Corbyn.
"You're welcome" Corbyn says kinda laughing at me.
"Wait we need to ask Liam who he's favorite uncle is" Jonah says.
"Why do you guys even care?" I ask them as we walk inside towards Y/N.


As i'm looking at the phones the boys walk up.
"Why do you guys even care?" Daniel asks them and i look up.
"Because we need to know" Corbyn says.
"Know what?" I ask them.
"Who Liam's favorite uncle is" Jonah says and i just roll my eyes.
"Ask him then" I say and i take Liam out of his stroller.
"Liam who out of your uncles is your favorite?" Daniel asks him.
"Wait, here" Corbyn pulls out cookies.
"He can't have those, but i'll take one" I say taking a cookie from Corbyn.
"Well stars" Corbyn says putting the cookies back as he's keys fall out of his pocket. Liam looks down at them and i see his eyes light up.
"I think he likes your keychain" I say pointing to Corbyns keychain with beads that look like the planets.
"This doesn't answer who he's favorite is, plus i have a mini chubs for him" Zach says taking it out of his pocket.
"So Liam do you have a favorite uncle?" I ask him.
"Uncle Jojo" Liam says.
"YES!" Jonah says kinda loud.
"That was unexpected" I say as Jonah takes Liam.
"I kinda thought he would say Corbyn because he obviously loves your keychain" I say.
"That boy is gonna be a space boi for sure" Corbyn says.
"Maybe" I say.
"Did you find a phone you like?" Daniel asks.
"Yeah i did, i already asked an employee to get the one i want" I say pointing to the new Iphone XS max in white.
"Ok good" Daniel says right as the employee walks up.
"Here you go, is there anything else you need?" He asks.
"Daniel did you want to look at anything else?" I ask him turning around.
"Nope" Daniel says.
"Then no that's it" I say to the employee.
"Ok let's head up to check out" He says.
"We'll meet you guys outside the store" Jonah says as he sets Liam in the stroller then take Liam's stroller.
"Ok sounds good" Daniel says. Then we follow the employee up to check out.
"Ok here we are" The employee says scanning the phone and putting it in a bag. Daniel pulls out his wallet to pay.
"Oh is this phone for you?" The employee asks.
"It's mine but he broke my old one so he's paying" I say.
"What a nice thing for a friend to do" The employee says.
"Husband" Daniel says glaring at the guy.
"Wow really" He says.
"Ummm here's your bag" The employee says.
"We have a kid too" I say as he hands me the bag.
"wow that's slutty" the guys whispers under his breath. I can tell that pisses Daniel off but i grab his hand interlocking our fingers and i feel him relax.
"Have a nice day" I say then we walk out.
"Did he really say that?" Daniel says as he squeezes my hand really hard.
"Ow daniel my hand" i say and he loses his grip.
"sorry love" Daniel says.
"hey guys" I say.
"hi, did you get your phone?" Corbyn asks.
"Yep i did" I say showing him the bag.
"Jack just texted me and said he could not make it" Zach says.
"Oh no" I say.
"yeah he said he had something he had to do" Zach says.
"welp that sucks let's go tho" Jonah says getting up. I take Liam from Jonah and put him in the stroller. All the boys start walking. i walk a little behind them Zach slows down and starts walking right to me.
"Hey i'm really sorry for being mean to you earlier" Zach says.
"It's fine Zach i've know you my whole life i'm used to dealing with you" I say laughing a bit.
"I'm still sorry" Zach says.
"It's fine i forgive you" I say smiling at him. Zach smiles back at me and the other boys stop in front of us making me almost run into Corbyn with the stroller.
"Sorry Corbyn" I say rolling the stroller back a little.
"Oh it's fine" Corbyn says smiling. The boys walk into the Urban Outfitters we stopped in front of. Daniel holds the door open for me. I carefully roll the stroller in trying not to wake Liam up.
"Thanks Dani" I say smiling at him.
"You don't have to thank me anymore you know?" Daniel says as he walks in behind me and puts his hands on my shoulders.
"I know i know" I say and Daniel kisses my cheek and then walks over to something he wants to look at and i follow him. Recently i've been feeling off and i don't know why. I told Daniel i felt like something bad was gonna happen and he told me everything would be fine, but i can't shake this feeling. As i'm thinking of this i zone out and snap back into reality by Daniel putting his hands on my shoulders.
"Are you ok?" Daniel asks me looking worried.
"Yeah i'm fine, why?" I say.
"You're crying" Daniel says wiping my tear.
"I'm sorry i just don't feel right" I say.
"don't apologize, i know you don't that why i asked Corbyn to watch Liam tonight so i can take you on a nice date night and hopefully help you feel better" Daniel says smiling at me.
"Sounds amazing" I say smiling. Daniel moves his hands down to my waist pulling me into a kiss. I move my hands to behind this neck.
"Ew" Zach says and we pull apart. I look over to see all the boys standing there.
"Zach it was one kiss" Daniel says as i look the other way out of embarrassment.
"Your hands say they want more" Zach says and i realize his hands are on my butt. I take his hands off my butt and interlock our fingers.
"Oh damn" Jonah says laughing.
"Welp we were just coming over to say we wanted to go to Game Stop but you were busy" Corbyn says snickering.
"Go ahead we will meet you there in a little bit" Daniel says and the boys turn around and walk out.
"That was embarrassing" I say looking at Daniel's eyes.
"Nah not really my hands were speaking the truth" Daniel says as he grabs my butt making me jump a little.
"Daniel Seavey don't do that in public" I say hitting his shoulder.
"I'll save the rest for later than" Daniel whispers and i just smile at him.
"Before we go meet the boys can we stop at the Lush school?" I ask Daniel.
"Of course my love" Daniel says.

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