Part 13~ Pregnant?

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Daniel grabbed my hand and we walked out of his apartment. We get in the elevator and go down to the lobby. Me and Daniel decide to take my car.
"Daniel I don't know how to feel about this" I say as a start crying into Daniel's chest as we walk to my car "I don't know if I want to be or not"
"I know but what ever happens we will deal with it and figure it, ok?" Daniel says as he puts his hand on my cheek. I nodded my head and kiss Daniel. We arrive at the car and Daniel opens the passenger door for me. After I'm in the car Daniel gets in on the driver side. Daniel starts driving to Target. The car ride is silent until Daniel breaks the silence.
"Y/N if you are pregnant I want you to move in with me" Daniel says.
"Ok" I say
"I mean only if you want to it's kinda early and wait what, you said ok" Daniel says realizing what I said.
"I mean if we have a kid together we need to live together" I say smiling.
"Ok then" Daniel says smiling. We arrive at Target. Daniel turns off the car and gets out. I sit there for a moment and take a deep breath.
"Come Y/N" Daniel says as he opens my car door and reaches his hand out to me. I grab his hand and hesitate a little bit before I get out.
"I need some other stuff while we're here if that's fine" I say to Daniel as we walk inside.
"Yeah of course" Daniel says as he grabs a cart.
"Great" I say.
"Do you have a list?" Daniel says smiling at me.
"Oh yeah it's in my purse" I say looking around.
"You didn't bring it" Daniel says grabbing my hand.
"Of course I did, I'm a mess today" I say hugging Daniel.
"Your a cute mess" Daniel says laughing and kissing my cheek.
"Thanks but we should go get the stuff before I forget what I needed" I say to Daniel.
"Do you remember the first time we went to Target together?" Daniel says smiling as he pushes the cart.
"Yeah that was the day it all started" I say smiling at Daniel. Me and Daniel walked around Target finding everything I needed and talking.
"Ok now we have to get the pregnancy test" I say with a sigh.
"Yeah" Daniel says. We walk to the section with the pregnancy tests.
"Look they are right next to the condoms" I say glaring at Daniel.
"I know I know" Daniel says as he walks over and grabs a box of condoms. I stand there staring at the pregnancy tests trying to figure out which one to buy.
"It's ok Y/N" Daniel says as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind and placing his head on my shoulder.
"Yeah I know" I say as a grab a 2 Clearblue pregnancy tests.
"Are you ready?" Daniel asks.
"Yes let's go" I say as I put the tests in the cart. Me and Daniel walk to the self checkout and buy our things. After we are done we walk to the car. We get in the car and start driving back.
"We don't have to do it tonight if you don't want" Daniel says as he puts his hand on my leg.
"No I want to do it tonight but can we eat first it's almost 8" I say begging Daniel.
"Yes of course but let's get the food and go home" Daniel says as he turns to go to my favorite place Chipotle. We drive there and Daniel goes inside and buys our food. He comes back 10 minutes later with our food.
"Here we are, now let's go" Daniel says as he gives me the food and starts driving home. We arrive back at the apartment building and we take our stuff up to Daniel's apartment.
"That's all of it" I say as I place the last bag on Daniel's counter.
"Are you ready?" Daniel asks me.
"Will I ever be?" I say.
"I don't know but here" Daniel says handing me the pregnancy tests.
"I don't have to pee yet" I say to Daniel.
"Then let's eat first" Daniel says as he sits down on a barstool next to me. Me and Daniel talking while we eat our food.
"Do you have to pee now?" Daniel asks as finish eating.
"Nope" I say getting up. Daniel gets up and gets me some water.
"Here" Daniel says as he hands it to me and then stands next to me. I chug the water and then hand Daniel the glass.
"Do you need more?" Daniel says.
"No i have to pee but I'm scared" I say turning to him.
"Y/N I am too but we need to do this" Daniel says as he brings me into a hug.
"Ok I'll be back" I say taking the tests and heading to the bathroom. I pee on the tests and walk back out to join Daniel and wait.
"Set a timer for 3 minutes" I say setting them on the counter. He sets the timer and after about 1 minute there is a knock at the door. Daniel goes to open and find the boys on the other side.
"Hey guys" Daniel says.
"Hey" They all say.
"Why are you here?" Daniel says and then looks back into the apartment. I quickly hide the pregnancy tests the boxes from sight. Daniel sees me hide the stuff and lets them in.
"We came to play Fortnite because you have the best TV and see how Y/N was doing" Jonah says waking in.
"And I have Y/N favorite blanket for when she's sick" Zach says waking in.
"Omg" i say waking over to Zach and taking the blanket and then hugging him.
"So what are you guys doing?" Jack says as he sits on the couch.
"Nothing" Daniel and I say insync. All the boys look at us weird but then turn away. Right as I was about to say something the timer went off and me and Daniel quickly turned towards it.
"What was that for?" Corbyn asks.
"Nothing" Daniel and I say insync again.
"You guys are being suspicious" Jack says looking at us.
"No were not" I said.
"Where did you put them?" Daniel whispers to me.
"Our room" I whisper back. I turn and all the guys are still staring at us.
"What did you guys do?" Zach says staring at us.
"Noting I'm just feeling sick" I say looking at Zach.
"Yeah sorry" Zach says. All the boys go and sit on the couch to either play Fortnite or watch. The boys come all the time and use Daniel's tv to play video games. Usually I just watch but tonight I really just wanted to spend it with Daniel and take the stupid pregnancy test. It is killing me knowing that the test is just sitting in the room saying other positive or negative. I try to Ignore it and wait until the boys leave. They stay for about an hour before they decide to leave.
"Ok see you tomorrow" Daniel says as he closed the front door.
"Are you ready, I haven't looked yet" I say as Daniel turns around and I'm holding the test in my hand covered.
"Yeah" Daniel says walking over. I move so me and Daniel will see the result at the same time.
"1, 2, 3" I say as I turn it around to reveal the results.
"Positive" Daniel says.
"Omg we are going to be parents" i say excited and  setting the tests down in front on me.
"Omg we are going to be parents" Daniel says all excited as he picks me up and spinning us. I pull Daniel into a kiss as he sets me down. I feel a tear run down my face but Daniel wipes it away.
"I'm so excited" I say smiling.
"Me too" Daniel says
"I'll call tomorrow and schedule the appointment to make sure I'm 100% pregnant" I say to Daniel. Daniel starts running around the apartment in excitement and I just laugh at him. I really couldn't be more excited to be having a baby with anyone. Daniel is perfect and I love him so much.

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