Part 15~ Oops

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*2 months later*

As of today I'm 4 and half months pregnant. Daniel and I don't know the gender but we are going today to find out. I'm super excited and a bit nervous.

I wake up to someone moving next to me. I turn around to see Daniel getting out of bed.
"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" Daniel says.
"It's fine I should get up also" I say as I get out of bed.
"What time is it?" I ask Daniel.
"It's 8:30 am" Daniel says as he walks over to me and kisses me.
"I'm never up this early" I say to Daniel and he grabs my hand.
"Are you hungry?" Daniel asks as we start walking out into our kitchen. Me and Daniel have lived together for about a month now.
"Yeah" i say sitting on the bar stool as Daniel starts making breakfast .
"When is your appointment today?" Daniel asks.
"It's at 10" I say to Daniel.
"Ok let's eat and get ready so we can go" Daniel says as he hands me a bagel.
"Thanks" I say to Daniel. Daniel sits down next to me to eat his breakfast. After we finish eating breakfast there is a knock at the door. Daniel gets up and answers it. It the boys of course.
"Hey guys" Daniel says letting them in.
"Hello" I say waving at them.
"We came to use your tv while your gone" Jack says sitting on the couch and turning Fortnite on.
"You guys have a problem" I say to them but mostly to Jack.
"Whatever" Jack says rolling his eyes. I get up to put my plate in the sink. As I'm walking I slip and fall dropping the plate in the process. Daniel immediately runs over with the boys close behind him.
"Omg are you ok?" Daniel says helping me back to my feet.
"I broke your plate" I say.
"I don't care about the plate, I only care about you" Daniel says. Daniel walks us over to the couch and we sit down.
"I'm fine Daniel" I say.
"Are you sure, does anything hurt?" Daniel asks. Daniel reaches over and touches my sides.
"Ouch that hurt" I say as Daniel touches my side, causing Daniel to start panicking.
"You should take her to the doctors" Zach says.
"What about the plate?" I say.
"I'll clean it up" Jonah says.
"Well let me put regular clothes on" I say.
"Here" Daniel says grabbing my hands and helping me up.
"Thanks" I say to Daniel as we start walking to our bedroom. We get to our bedroom and we both get dressed.
"Omg" Daniel says.
"What?" I say turning around causing me pain "ouch"
"It's bruising" Daniel says waking over to me.
"It's probably fine, the doctor who I have my appointment with will check it" I say to Daniel as I put on one of Daniel's biggest hoodie because that's the only one that fits.
"We'll see, it's 9:30 we need to go" Daniel says. Daniel grabs my hand and we walk back into the living room.
"We will be back" I say and all the boys say bye. We drive to the doctors office where the appointment is at. We arrive at doctors office and immediately go back to the room. We wait for about 10 minutes before the doctor came in.
"Hello how are we today?" The doctor says.
"She fell this morning and it's bruising" Daniel says really fast.
"Oh ok where is the bruising?" The doctor says.
"It isn't that bad he's just worried" I say lifting my hoodie up.
"Umm it doesn't look that bad just a little bruising, it should be fine" the doctor says and Daniel immediately relaxes.
"I told you" I say grabbing Daniel's hand.
"Yeah just ice it and it should be fine" the doctor tells us.
"I just wanted to make sure" Daniel says.
"Ok well now why don't we figure out the gender of y'alls baby" The doctor says smiling. She puts the gel on my stomach and starts the ultrasound.
"I'm so excited" Daniel says squeezing my hand.
"Me too" I say.
"Oh ok" The doctor says.
"Do you guys want to know now or wait?" The doctor says.
"Now" Daniel and I say at the same time.
"Well it looks like you having a... boy!" The doctor says.
"Oh my gosh" Daniel says looking at me.
"We're going to have a little boy" I say starting to tear up.

We arrive back at the apartment and find the boys still there.
"Hey guys" I say waking in.
"Hey Y/N" Jonah says getting up. He was the only one who wasn't invested in Fortnite.
"I'm ok just have to ice it" I say to everyone.
"That's amazing" Jonah says walking over.
"Yeah and we know the gender of our baby" Daniel says all excited. All the boys drop what they are doing and crowd around us.
"Wow that got y'alls attention" I say laughing.
"We want to know" Zach says.
"Do y'all have guesses?" Daniel says.
"Girl" they all say.
"Wow you guys are all very wrong" Daniel says.
"It's a boy" I say getting excited.
"Yaaaay" Zach says and hugging me.
"Ouch ouch" I say because Zach is squeezing my bruises.
"Sorry" Zach says. All the boys hug me but lighter than Zach did and they do the band handshake with Daniel.
"It's going to be a mini Daniel" Jack says.
"Yeah if it's a mini Daniel that's going to be a very cute baby" Corbyn say.
"Wow thanks for hitting on my boyfriend" I say laughing. Corbyn just backs away awkwardly. I just laugh at him which causes the bruises on my side to hurt.
"Ouch" I say as I hold my side.
"Come on beautiful let's sit down and ice your side" Daniel says grabbing my hands and walking me to the couch. Daniel gets the ice packs and comes back and sits next to me.
"You know I can walk right" I say to Daniel.
"After what happened this morning I'm not to sure" Daniel says and I glare at him and push him off the couch.
"Woah" Corbyn says.
"Yeah she does that when she's mad" Zach says.
"Ok come back now I want to cuddle" I say opening my arms. Daniel gets up from the floor and sits next me.
"Your weird" Daniel says laughing and placing the ice packs on my side.
"I know I know" I say as I cuddle up to him.

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